Eric, Boston, MA USA. Hello! Plan on building motor bicycle in Puerto Rico next month

I'm likely going to build a motorized bicycle down in Puerto Rico this holiday season during my annual 3 week vacation.
I'm looking at a 80cc engine kit
BTW, what does "66/80cc" stand for?
Any advise on extras I should buy and have ready will be appreciated including tools.
The little reading I've done so far indicates I should also buy a headlight and mirror.
Thank you
Re: Eric, Boston, MA USA. Hello! Plan on building motor bicycle in Puerto Rico next m

.cs.dance1dance1pino.Hi Eric,

Welcome to this forum!

Happy thanksgiving.

I am looking at the motorized bicycle kit that you are planning on building. for a first build, this kit is pretty hard to install. you have to assemble the piston and all the other compenents to the engine. I would go with a kit that has the engine already assembled. there are two types of motorized bicycle engines. the first type we like to call china girl. those are the cheap no branded engines that you can find on ebay. the second type is a better quality engine like a grubee Skyhawk engine or a sd stinger engine. I wouldn't buy the kit that you are looking at. the kit is the cheap type and youhave to assemble the piston. if you just want a regular cheap type of kit, I would write motorized bicycle kit in ebay and find the cheapest one there that doesn't need assembly. the black engines also tend to look uglier than the silver metal engines.

I would by something like this>>>>>

Now, if you are looking to ride everyday (ex:commute) and want a good quality engine, I would buy the sd stinger engine from even though the final order comes out to be around $200 with the shipping, it is definetly worth it. they are a good trusted company.

These two-stroke engines come in two sizes. 49cc and 66/80cc

they look exactly the same except for the small difference in piston sizes. companies say 66/80 cc because in china with the metric system, they count as 80cc but in usa it is 66 cc

I would buy a cheap mirror and a bicycle battery powered headlight from a website like walmart.

as for the bicycle, I would go with a huffy cranbrook from walmart. they are around $70 right now new and they are very simple to install.

as for the tools, you will need a :

10mm wrench,

a screwdriver

adjustable wrench,


a drill (you have to make a hole in the handlebars for the throttle assembly)

a 15 and 14 mm wrench (optional).

that is everything that I can remember off the top of my head.

Good luck and happy thanksgiving!!
Re: Eric, Boston, MA USA. Hello! Plan on building motor bicycle in Puerto Rico next m

jonnyp929 you totally rock! pino.

What a wealth if information!

One of the first barriers I've encountered is that not all ebay sellers ship to Puerto Rico. So I'll find one who does and then get a fair additional shipping charge for PR.

I'm trying to comprehend the 66/80 thing. Cc's should be the same everywhere because cc itself is a metric cubic centimeter. It sounds like you're saying it's the same engine. So I'm guessing it's a 66cc actual. But in China a 66cc is considered an 80cc class engine? Does that sound correct?

I agree, buying a pre-assembled engine will be better. I had settled on that particular un-assembled kit simply because that seller seemed to be much more interested in working with me on the shipping issue. But there is plenty of time to find the right package and seller.

The Huffy Cranbrook is also PERFECT! Exactly what I want. Before you mentioned that bike I was looking at a Huffy Santa Fe at KMart for $157 which looks very similar. I started looking for a bike at KMart because when we were in there last year in Puerto Rico they had what looked like a million bicycles.

I'm going to try and get the bicycle still in the box so that I can use the box to ship the bicycle back home here in Boston before I leave PR on January 9th.

I had initially wanted to store the bike their in PR but my Aunt seems to have changed her tune on that idea. We'll see what happens. Unfortunately I may end up shipping it back and forth every year. There are other possibilities such as finding a buyer instead. I would think it might sell easy at around cost, we'll see.

Fortunately I already have a bar-end mounted convex mirror. I wonder if it will work well.

I would imagine someone in here will have a great suggestion of a brand or type of headlight to buy. I'm thinking for safety's sake I should spare no expense on a good powerful headlight.
A tail light would also be good.

I'm feeling much more confident about all this with your help, I really really appreciate this and I'm sure once this is all said and done I will be able to help others in the same way.

Thank you! .xx. Eric, the AmericanRoadwarrior
Re: Eric, Boston, MA USA. Hello! Plan on building motor bicycle in Puerto Rico next m

welcome from across the pond. i know the feeling about getting someone to ship to the islands. call the dealers and most will, priority mail is the cheapest route, i have had a few motorized bicycle engines sent here to st croix
ref 66cc and 80cc
the 80 cc motor is for power, to carry heavy loads like carts and stuff like that
the 66cc is a smaller motor not designed for heavy roads, me personally i like the bigger motor, bigger does not mean faster it just means it can handle a lot more, in pr with the hills like here i would get the 80cc bigger motor
Re: Eric, Boston, MA USA. Hello! Plan on building motor bicycle in Puerto Rico next m

hey paul, where do you get the 80cc motor?

and eric, why don't you just get a kit shipped to your house and you could bring it to pr?
Re: Eric, Boston, MA USA. Hello! Plan on building motor bicycle in Puerto Rico next m

eric, why don't you just get a kit shipped to your house and you could bring it to pr?

I suppose that's a possibility.

I just sent a request to my aunt that if she has an ebay account she could order the kit. We'll see what her response is, I suspect it will be in the negative.

Yeah I could just pack it in another roller suitcase. I do have a few.
Not sure how much they get you for extra luggage.
One benefit is that I can both familiarize myself with the parts and make sure they're all there. I do like that idea.
Re: Eric, Boston, MA USA. Hello! Plan on building motor bicycle in Puerto Rico next m

Here's the kit I'm now looking at:

"NEW 80cc 2-Stroke Gas Motorized Bicycle Engine Motor Kit silver"

It's a buy-it-now from the same seller as you recommended, johnny.

Now, is this going to be an actual 80cc or will it be 66? Just curious.
Re: Eric, Boston, MA USA. Hello! Plan on building motor bicycle in Puerto Rico next m

Here's the kit I'm now looking at:

"NEW 80cc 2-Stroke Gas Motorized Bicycle Engine Motor Kit silver"

It's a buy-it-now from the same seller as you recommended, johnny.

Now, is this going to be an actual 80cc or will it be 66? Just curious.
There are no actual 80cc engines. The 80cc figure is derived by calculating displacement differently than is generally done. They like to include the combustion chamber volume and that is more a marketing ploy than an accurate way of determining actual displacement. The engine you linked to will be a 66cc.
Good luck and have fun.

Re: Eric, Boston, MA USA. Hello! Plan on building motor bicycle in Puerto Rico next m

Welcome to the forums, Warrior. Since it looks like you're going with the China girl, and if you plan on using a chain tensioner, might I suggest this:


Contact turbobuick1 here on the forums. I got mine yesterday and it works flawlessly. The one that comes with the engine kit is, IMO, a piece of junk. They have a tendency to come loose and fall into the spokes. Which can put a hurting on you as well as your ride. No worries with this one as it's mounted directly on the engine. Once installed there are no further adjustments to be made.
Re: Eric, Boston, MA USA. Hello! Plan on building motor bicycle in Puerto Rico next m

Thank you PaintGun.

The chain tensioner was in the back of my mind.

I recall reading it's something that needs to be replaced to work proper.

That's a great help.
Re: Eric, Boston, MA USA. Hello! Plan on building motor bicycle in Puerto Rico next m

Yes that stock tensioner is bad not only because it can fall into the spokes as I mentioned, but if your chainstay is not parallel to the wheel, it's not going to work properly. This one is SO much better. Believe me. It will be the best $40 you'll ever spend.