minor bike philosopher
As some of you know I just started a chain driven ebike build. I'm not exactly new to ebikes so when I found that one of my regular suppliers had ebike parts for sale I got him to give us a price. So here it is. These parts came from brand new never used Mongoose ebikes. I have had trouble with my cheap twist throttles from TNC. His throttle would be 13 bucks shipping included. His 24v controller for the 450watt motor is 2o bucks shipping included. He is about out of the motors so I didn't get a price on those. If you want a 450 watt geared motor or a rear 20" two sprocket wheel, you might want to drop him a line. His email is [email protected] ... I recommend this guy and he is the only dealer I have ever recommended. PS I am not involved in this transaction in anyway. I am going to order up a couple of the throttles, since I am always breaking them it seems. If you email him he will most likely send you photos of the items so you can see what goes where. He might have some other bike parts and scooter parts as well.