Cylinder wall and piston skirt

I just bought two different cylinders from two different sellers, how often do you guys find paint on the wall on a replacement top end and how should you remove it? I removed it off of one using a very soft, clean shop cloth and liquid seafoam. I am also curious if there is any way to polish the piston skirt and when i cut the piston skirt for the intake if i should lighten the other side of the piston to balance it. -Thanks, JT
my seller used to get paint on black cylinders and pistons - after I mentioned it a few times it stopped

a bit of paint thinner always took it off OK

wet sand with crocus cloth is good for polishing

no idea on how piston balance is done at factory, but I'd want to be certain to avoid getting the skirt up near the exhaust port at TDC on the front
occurs to me that these motors run the thrust wall in the rear - that might make a diff in piston balance too
Don't worry about skirt weight balance.
It is an insignificant issue, drill away and have fun.
Come on over here and watch grampy show you how it is done:

Yeah, drill them big holes:

That worked good, let's drill some more:

We tested it. It was a screamer, let's try some more:

So this was the final version tried, because power went down.
No point in going any bigger.

Point is, all this drilling on the already hollowed out side of this piston caused no weight or balance problems.
It remained "Mr Happy Piston".
