cylinder to case gasket leak


New Member
a bad gasket between the cylinder and case causing an air leak would cause an overly rich condition correct? My engine was running super rich, wouldn't run unless it was half choked so I pulled the plug and it was fouled to the point I can't believe it ran. Intake and carb are both tight. I spun it over with the plug out to blow out excess crap then restarted and it ran but same thing, won't run unless half choked. Cylinder gasket is one I made myself .
No. Air leaks cause a LEAN condition. I'd still check the jug gasket, but it does not sound like an air leak to me.
Bad gas? Float level? Old plug?
No. Air leaks cause a LEAN condition. I'd still check the jug gasket, but it does not sound like an air leak to me.
Bad gas? Float level? Old plug?
If the engine will only run with the choke 1/2 closed you have an excess of air entering the combustion sequence. Just because the carburetor and intake manifold are "tight" doesn't mean they aren't leaking. You could have air (vacuum) leaks at either place due to a bad gasket or a poor seal where the carb attaches to the intake manifold. Your symptoms are consistant with an air or vacuum leak and it is a lean, not a rich condition.

As for the cylinder to case gasket, you can run without one as long as you seal that area with a gasoline compatible sealant. There is little pressure, positive or negative, at that point so a gasket isn't absolutely necessary but a good seal is. Proper torquing of the cylinder/cylinder head fasteners is important.

What fuel to oil ratio are you running? The kit suggested 16:1 is too much oil and might be responsible for your "fouled plug".

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If the engine will only run with the choke 1/2 closed you have an excess of air entering the combustion sequence. Just because the carburetor and intake manifold are "tight" doesn't mean they aren't leaking. You could have air (vacuum) leaks at either place due to a bad gasket or a poor seal where the carb attaches to the intake manifold. Your symptoms are consistant with an air or vacuum leak and it is a lean, not a rich condition.

As for the cylinder to case gasket, you can run without one as long as you seal that area with a gasoline compatible sealant. There is little pressure, positive or negative, at that point so a gasket isn't absolutely necessary but a good seal is. Proper torquing of the cylinder/cylinder head fasteners is important.

What fuel to oil ratio are you running? The kit suggested 16:1 is too much oil and might be responsible for your "fouled plug".


I forgot to mention the oil mix. 2door is exactly right, 16:1 is far too much oil and WILL foul plugs.