New Member
I think they've been using hub motors for a couple years now, but yesterday, someone in chat posted a link to an I-zip Enlightened Urban Cruiser sold online at Another user insulted me beyond belief when I simply said that the motor on the bike in the link was a hub motor. They claimed Currie bikes don't have hub motors. Walmart's description was very lacking so I posted another link to the bike on another site that gave more details and it did say it was a hub motor. I was told the description had to be wrong. I just said the bike (the I-zip) in the link's pic had a hub motor but I was still met with very degrading insults. So the bottom line is that Currie indeed does use hub motors on some bikes and their website even goes into great details on them, has complete assembly manuals and more. But I was told descriptions are often wrong. I can't imagine why a major company like Currie would show all those pics of a hub motor and give all those details if it didn't really exist. They do have lithium-ion batteries but don't appear to have any more range than the Ezips or Izip Trailz with SLA batteries. The bikes are way too expensive to not have better range, so the Ezip is still the best buy. You could buy 3 ezips or Trailz bikes for the price of an I-zip Enlightened.
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I-Zip on
I-Zip on
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