Controversial Motored Vehicles and the Videos Thereof


Active Member
Feb 2, 2022
Here you can:

A.) Post videos of of motored vehicles that you think deviates from what is normal or usual (for example, in a way that is undesirable or worrying), or any action conducted in or around a motored vehicle that you find in any way a contentious issue. or

B.) Dispute the topics of the videos above.

And always remember;
”[A] zoomer can be buffed as much as he wants. If he don't care about his babushka, he'll never be a Chad” — Camarada Fawkes

Sidewinder Jerry

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
Rockwood, TN
I'm more about videos and posting videos that promote a positive image of motorized bicycling. The videos I like and make portray us as law abiding safe vehicle operators who can still have fun riding our bikes. To me being a good MB'er starts with being a good cyclist first. This is why I often share these videos.

I don't post videos of irresponsible, reckless renegade outlaw MB'ers. It's this image and posting such videos which get laws passed banning our bikes on the public roadways. In their minds they don't see the harm their doing to us. All to often poor cycling skills get transferred over into our world. We've even had long time forum members who don't get this.

Sadly, these days too much attention is given to the bad and not enough to the good.
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