compression & head shaving 4 dummy's


New Member
Take head off sand down with medium grit sandpaper on glass or kitchen counter sandpaper on bottom & sand in circler motion take off about 1/2 a millameter at a time.
install on motor with no gasket & start. Keep doing this until you get detanation (pinging) sounds like metal on metal like the piston is hitting the head. Dont worry if f it was hittig the engine would stop. now you have pinging! Take apart and finish sanding with fine sandpaper. (Not too much) install head with a gasket. & your done if it still pings add a gasket. you shouldn't have to. With this method no meashering & you will have the most compression your motor can handle. Also use the highest octane gas you can get!!! 94 Is Highest pump gas in Canada I don't know about the U.S.A
That's head shaving 4 dummy's! Witch i'am! THANKS!.flg.