Cold Winter Starting/Running Problems

Sammy D

New Member

My 80/66cc engine was running sweet the other week in about 12-15+ deg c temps, plug was a nice dark pink. All was well.

Over the past few days it's got very chilly. So much so that it's been taking a lot more effort to get my bike started. It'll start but won't idle, and when I'm rolling it'll jerk about like a kangaroo until it's all warmed up. It was also a bit flat at full throttle.

So, I moved the magic C clip from the second notch to the third notch thinking that as it's much colder now, the air is much denser, and hence will need more fuel. That made it much easier to start and ran much nicer.

However, this morning it was -2 degc, I did my usual start, choke on for about 3-4 pedal strokes and it was running, as soon as I took the choke off it died. I pedalled a bit more, let out the clutch and I was off, although a bit like a kangaroo. Then it died when I pulled in the clutch to stop at a junction, and I couldn't get it going again at all!

It's annoying as a friend of mine who I commute with has the same kit and his bike was totally fine this morning! His needle is on the middle slot and it starts with only a second of choke and then will idle all day nicely.

Hmm! Once it's up to temperature it runs nicely when it's cold outdoors. Any suggestions? Other than using a heatgun to warm up the block before starting! Which isn't really an option as it has to be stored outdoors during the day so gets very cold!

Thanks in advance!
hmm i store mine inside at night but when im out and about it stays out for hours at a time i dont have a coke or a primer on mine i havent had any problems other than clutch slipping but i fixed that today

my suggestion is to change your fuel mix a little richer 32:1 is what im running on

then play with the clip some more or im not sure if this will help but adjust the float tabs in your carburater i did this during sommer time and my ride started faster not sure how it will effect winter driving

over hear it gets cold later in the year but so far it has run well in -5 c
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I'm running about 30:1 in there.

I've just been out and got it running after about ten minuets of solid pedaling. I think maybe it's been flooding where it's parked up. I'm going to strip apart the carburettor and have a look at the jet and see if it's sealing properly and bend the forks if need be.

Pain in the arse.
keep me posted who knows what kind of problems i may have with future kits

heres a thought is the clutch slipping any what i mean is when you first drop the clutch does it slow down and put resistance on your bike bu you cant hear the motor turing over
this happens with my dads kit sometimes it will take some time for the pads to heat up and grip and then start turning over the motor

i beleive this is caused from the pads barely griping on the plates not enough to catch but enough to slow you down

if this aint the case then it should be in the fuel air system im not sure how a air leak may affect a cold start but it may cause problems until a hairline fracture heats up expands and closes itself but thats just a theory
I pulled my plug and it was very wet, I cleaned it off and it fired up straight away. Then moved the C clip up. All ok now. I don't think I should ever use the choke, and I'll probably be alright.