Check yer Deck and bowls aka... leaky carb syndrome

Wevil Kenevil

Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2022
Sack a tomatoes California
Have you ever pulled an old (or new) carb out and it seems like it just won't stop leaking no matter what you do to it?

Check the float.
Check needle valve and needle
Pulled the float arms down just a bit
replaced the gasket...


Deck the the top of the float bowl!

You would think that the manufacturer would leak check or at least make sure the surfaces of the mating areas sat flat against each other....

They don't.

I was at my bike building buddies house today and he had 8 carbs that all had issues with leaking gas and he was going to toss them and I grabbed them to scavenge and see if I could make one good one.

After pulling each of them apart to see what gold mine of parts there were, I found nothing wrong with the 6 of them. One had a mishaped needle and the other had a hairline crack in the float.

So I started looking closer and around the top of the float bowls the gas and the 2 stroke oil had dried and left stains that showed where the surface under the gasket was un even.

So I sanded them all on a piece glass and some wet/dry paper until they were absolutely flat and smooth.

After doing one, I re leak checked it and It stopped I did another and another...

Long story longer...

I end up with 7 carburetors that work leak free ... The pitiful expression on my homies face was priceless... so I gave them back to him... Minus the h.p. and one of the nt carbs.

So the moral of the story is "Deck your bowls.".... I bet if you can't get yer carb to stop leaking... That it..
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