carb problem


New Member
put a new carb on my ch80 it will run but when i let off on the gas the motor dies tryed the idol screw with no luck have the crab set on the second notch which is what we are suppose to run them here in thunder bay any help would be great thanks
Also, sometimes the idle screw just won't turn the idle up enough, in which case you can use the adjuster at the top of the carb. Unscrew it just until you get a satifactory idle.
put a new carb on my ch80 it will run but when i let off on the gas the motor dies tryed the idol screw with no luck have the crab set on the second notch which is what we are suppose to run them here in thunder bay any help would be great thanks

The last time this same problem happened to me the brass tube that the jet is screwed onto in the middle of the donut float vibrated loose. When I removed the carb bowl that brass tube fell out. Screwed it back in and all was well.
Wild guess, I saw a Honda Sabre v 45 with that problem. Take the idle needle out, and look for debris from cutting the threads for the screw. A tiny piece of metal is all it takes.
thanks to everyone it turn out to be a air leak on the main screw that holds the carb on never tighten up enough so thank for everyones help
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