Calif, new laws 2025???

Laws are still the same as last year
2025 Ca. DMV Motorbicycle registration Form #230 hasn't changed

To help those who want to register their motorbike in Ca and get a Moped Plate
I'll explain how to fill out Form #230

Print out Form #230 (fill it out) and mail it in with a one time payment of $23

Fill out sections 1, 2 & 5 only

Section 1
1) VIN - serial # on Bike
2) Engine # - Number on Engine or -
example :if ya got a 66/80cc put 66/80 -
or make up your own # and engrave it on your engine
3) Make - example: Schwinn
4) Ca, license plate - leave blank- Moped Plate will have your new #
5) Model - Cruiser
6) Distinct markings - color etc...

Section 2
Answer yes to all questions in section 2

Secrtion 5
date and sign

Mail in form #230 with $23
3-6 weeks Ca. DMV will send you a Moped Plate

To show what the Moped Plate looks like here's mine

I've had my 138cc 4t Whizzer MotorBike 19 years and ride all over Ca.
I still haven't mounted my Moped Plate yet, I keep it in my saddle bags incase I'm ever asked by a Cop LOL.... Maybe someday I'll have to mount it

I like my embossed Classic Whizzer novelty plate much better

2005 NE5 Whizzer MotorBike
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