C-clip, a big problem in a small package

Tad Bit Tipsy

New Member
Anyone got a carburetor c-clip for the needle, mine broke. Attempting to solder it but not working so well. Send me a PM for address, compensation, etc. Thanks!
Thanks Joe, I had hit all the auto parts stores, didn't think of Hardware ones. I'm going to buy a few of those, it keeps jumping down onto lower needle settings and messes up my mixture. Hopefully a handful will help.
If you cant find let me know.I got a box of clips from northern tool ,they are storehouse brand.2or 300 in the box for around 10.00.
Thanks, guys, got the clips, 2 for $1.27 at Lowes, but in trying to put the clip on the needle broke, you fix one thing you break another. Now I need to find a new needle. The one I have broke off on the middle notch, so all I have is the bottom two, it runs really rich and won't idle now. If anyone has a spare needle, let me know, otherwise I'll order one on Monday.