Bike won't start! Help!


New Member
Oct 2, 2013
We'll I took a gamble with a pre owned bike yesterday. I knew it wouldn't start but i thought it couldn't be anything too hard. It has no spark is what it seems like. The guy cut off the female ends and just twisted the wires together... Could that be the problem? Thanks guys! Btw, new to the world of motorized bikes.


New Member
Oct 2, 2013
If you want to know if there's a spark, here's an outrageous idea:
Pick an open space or road where you know you can ride for a bit without hitting something.
Take the plug out of the head, then keep it attached to the spark lead.
Go for a ride with the plug in your non-clutch hand, and engage the clutch as if starting the motor. If it creates a spark, that's not your problem.
Maybe try it at night to see the spark easier.
Hold the plug by the lead, not the plug.
If you can, take the plug out of the boot, and hold the metal contact about 5mm from your frame to see if it arcs a spark. This can tell you if the magneto is good but the plug is dead.
I take no responsibilty for you hitting any objects during this procedure.


New Member
Oct 2, 2013
Thanks for the reply. I already tested for spark and no luck. Ordered a new CDI and magneto and I'm hoping when I replace those she will run again... If that's not the problem.... What could it be?????


New Member
Oct 2, 2013
They're a pretty simple motor mate. You need to put fuel , air and and a spark into the cylinder to get a reaction. Timing should be taken care of for now.
Here's some of the simple ones I'd go for first, but do wait till you get your new bits on before going too hard at it:
Fuel: does it come into the carby from the tank? Take the line off at the carb and see if it runs through when you open the petcock valve. If not- filter? Muck in tank? Remember they're gravity fed into the carb as far as I know, so tank needs to be above carby.
Air: is the air filter full of crap? Should be a foam element in there. Have a look. If so, clean with petrol and chuck it back in. This was a prob I had with my trusty mover once.
Not sure how you are with motors so sorry if I'm stating the obvious. I've learnt from dumb mistakes at times. Do go over a set of installation instructions from somewhere just as a simple checklist in case it's a real simple issue.
Also, if you don't know what a screw does, leave it for now. Especially around the carby.
Good luck.