Bike Light Genny Questions


New Member
Alright Ebikers I have been sent here to get an answer on a battery question. I recently purchased a bike generator off fleabay genny. From what others have speculated, It produces around 6 volts. I want to hook up a battery to and keep it charged when not riding at night but I dont want to make a bomb.... Any suggestions on how to hook up a battery to it but stay safe?

Sorry I can't help I don't own a gasoline bike. Some of the other guys who post here do though so someone should answer.
I also got one and my thought I would go to a Hobby Shop and get a new wheel, a larger wheel so it wont spin so much. Going 20 to 25 mph it will get pretty warm a larger wheel wont spin so much and have it charge a battery. just thinking outloud. lol

edit: Also there is azener diode circuit on here that will keep the output voltage close to the battery voltage so you wont over charge it.
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Sorry I can't help I don't own a gasoline bike. Some of the other guys who post here do though so someone should answer.

well this is just a general question about the generator, not gas bikes. I am completely stupid when it comes to voltage and amps and generators especially. I just thought Ebike guys would have more experience with batteries.
I also got one and my thought I would go to a Hobby Shop and get a new wheel, a larger wheel so it wont spin so much. Going 20 to 25 mph it will get pretty warm a larger wheel wont spin so much and have it charge a battery. just thinking outloud. lol

edit: Also there is azener diode circuit on here that will keep the output voltage close to the battery voltage so you wont over charge it.

Hey steve the larger wheel idea is great! but could you put up a link to the azener diode circuit... and maybe explain a little more about it :D lol. like what kind of battery could i hook up to it and how long could it hold a charge/how long will it hold the charge?

Sorry to throw so many things at once but like I said I am stupid when it comes to electricity. one could say its shocking! lol
I have this set, it is low end chinese crap.

It says 12v 6w on the box. The generater has 2 terminals, one produces 12v of AC at 5.5W the other gives 2.5v of AC at 0.5W (front & rear circuits)

The 12v line will vary with road speed, probably from 6 to 18v

So it will need rectification and regulation to be of any use for battery charging.

You will need to buy parts and make a circuit to get maybe half an amp out it for around 3 months if your lucky, before its bearings die or the windings burn up.

Best to bin it now while you are ahead.

Buy something European if you are serious about friction generaters.

The hub dynamo systems are the real answer for bicyle power.