Best place for parts


New Member
I am looking for some place that wont charge me 250$ for shipping a motor, a battery pack and a controller....the parts on hub motor, brushless motor, bike conversion kit, power wheelchair,electric bike,wheelchair controller,electric wheelchair, electric motorcycle,EV battery,brushless hub motor ,golf trolley,brushless joystick controller, regenerative braking controller are great and cheap but dam their shipping cost half what the parts themselves cost..

That 36 volt 500/750watt rear wheel hub motor looks awesome and its brushless!!

also is there anyone that can explain what the difference between 24/36/48 volt motors and what the difference is when getting 250/300/450/600/750/1000 watts...

what is the best combo when you want power and distance?
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I buy my parts on ebay or tnc scooters. Then again my parts aren't usually meant for bikes but for scooters ect.
Well no wonder. Those guys are even farther west than we are. laff
You're paying INTERNATIONAL rates.

They're not the only game in town. Check out Currie Industries or TNC Scooters. They have all you'd need at reasonable prices and shipping rates. Btw, some of these places only advertise UPS shipping. You gotta ask if they can ship via USPS instead. One company told me no problemo going with USPS Priority instead of UPS. Big difference shipping out this way. Also, take advantage of USPS Priority Flat Rates as well. If you order small stuff that can fit in the PFR boxes, you only pay around $8 up to around 50 lbs. Good to keep in mind when ordering, say, motors or SLA battery packs.
beware of golden motors
azvinnie and myself have bought 3 kits from them (at the same time)
2 were fine, 1 is a dog and we have never got it to work right (it wants to go both directions at once !!!)
it is hanging on our garage wall to remind us that the cheapest is not always the best deal :)