Auto A/C


New Member
Anyone have any experience with automotive Air Conditioner. I have a Lincoln. mark VIII 95 with a blocked orface tube I think. Maybe know of a good web site with the info?
Advanced Auto and Auto Zone have web sites that may be of help. Those expansion tubes are easier to replace than the old expansion valves. The newer stuff uses these spring coils and slip joints with O rings to lock the joints. There's a tool kit to fit over the tubing to pop out the spring coil lock from the joint and then you can pull the two pieces of tubing apart to service it. Always replace the O rings with new ones.

Expansion tubes are inline and usually out there where you can get to them under the you don't have to take the glove box out and remove the dash board to get at the expansion valves like in the old days. It's much simpler than that now. The tools don't cost that much either.

If you can do it yourself, you'll save enough to build yourself a motorbike.
Thanks today a guy told me that if the tube is cloged then the drier is probably going to need to be replaced also. Because of the metal crud that blocked the orifice thing, and before I replace these two things I need to flush the system out then I can vacume it out for mousture then fix it.
Yes that's usually the drill. Fortunately that would have came with 134a and I believe ester oil. (not the PAG) In most cases when that course if maintenance is followed the AC will work properly. The dryer is like a filter and they do get dirty and plugged up and replacing it and cleaning out the system
will make a noticable difference in the cooling.....especially if you live in a hot climate.

Ya may want to check out these Ford fourm to get more info/help with your car.

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Good luck.