any one else haveing trouble with zone 8


New Member
ok i bout a china girl from zone 8 in 2010 had some issues with her but she dose good i can go up to about 43 mph on flate grond i live in the smokies all hills but i got 275 miles on her and the new bike im biulding is tight for the top screew spark plug so like a fool i went back to zone 8 and got a well what was post to be a slant spark plug well when i got it they sent me top hole i even checked my order and its shows slant hole i email then 4 times now and even called but nothing :-|| anyone knows who makes a elc dash board for the bikes cant find it its new
no no they got two for the china girl they sent the wrong one theirs like 5 0r 6 compneys that sells them i just went where i got my engine thats all i hate to wast my money on their mistake with no anser
no no they got two for the china girl they sent the wrong one theirs like 5 0r 6 compneys that sells them i just went where i got my engine thats all i hate to wast my money on their mistake with no anser

Send them a POLITE E-mail telling them the problem. Don't get upset until you KNOW they won't make it right.
If you have a problem with a vendor this isn't the place to post it. This thread is being moved to the 'Swap & Shop subforum where it should have been posted.