Another OCC Build w/ Pics


New Member
Here is my second build and man are these things fun for some odd reason.
I bought a schwinn stingray off craigslist for $80 and I bought an engine kit off of ebay $135 shipped! I thought that was a deal, and everything was perfect too. If anyone wants the seller just ask, I'll find it.
I bought some conduit yesterday for the engine mounts ($20), it comes in ten foot lengths.
The foward mount is 1.25" in diameter and the aft mount is 1" in diameter.
The conduit welds okay, and I know not to breathe the stuff.
I used my friends welder and it's just a flux core welder, no gas. So the welds aren't the prettiest so I smeared some j-b weld over the top of them to make it smooth. Next i will sand it and paint to match the rest of the bike.
I also welded the stock gas tank clamps upside down on the frame, works good. Along with some steering bump stocks because the handle bars would hit the gas tank.
Now I just have to buy some more chain to finish it. Is it possible to use bicycle chain instead of the 410 chain?


