Air Leak Again!!!!!!


New Member
I got my bike running halfway decent, not idleing worth a crap, and not coming back to idle at all,ect.ect.ect.....So I came back from a test ride,alright cruising and top end....Got home and didn`t shut it off, grabbed a can of carb. cleaner and just started shooting little bursts around the motor to diag. air leaks....This motor is leaking air like a freakin sive....
1. Base gasket area(right under carb.)
2. Case halves (under carb. area)
3. All around the carb., I mean I could just spray just a squirt on the carb. body and the rev.`s would go sky high...
I did the silicone seal on the intake tube and carb. Head is torgued, case bolts are tight, gaskets are good....Motor only has about 3 tanks of gas through it...Never been apart except head gasket,and that was sealed up better than stock....80cc Kingscycle motor...
I know this has been beat to death but I haven`t seen this many leaks or is it normal, maybe nobody has checked this far....Someone check theirs out too just to see....Let it idle and just little squirts around the motor and see if the motor changes idle speed at all....
What do y`all think, motor rebuild time?????
i have a power king shop 80cc and had a base gasket air leak, bottom of cylinder at case. yeh, same senario, little squirts but mine wanted to die not rev. pull the cylinder make a new gasket and try again. while its off you might want to check out some engine porting threads. makes a ton of differance in the idle and power.
hill climber
Thanks hillclimber, weird thing huh???I have already done some of the gasket porting stuff,intake tube ported ect.ect.....Then I started having this erratic idleing situation crop up....It was driving me crazy.....Like I say it runs excellant in the middle and top, just sucks when I get off the throttle and she revs to the moon, I even stretched the return spring and to no avail...
Thanks again much appreciated,
a slow back to idle is a sign of being to lean. try fattining the mixture. lower the clip on the slide needle. if 1 notch is to much try some shims on the currant setting. i use axle shims for a radio control car, get then at local hobby store. i only go a couple thous at a time, .002". this gives you the abillity to fine tune your needle setting.
hill climber
Sounds like it's time to dip the engine in that stuff you dip tool handles in to rubberize them....
Sounds like it's time to dip the engine in that stuff you dip tool handles in to rubberize them....

Hey Joe that a good one....That would seal up any air leaks right....LOL....I was thinking smearing a thin bead of gray silicone all along the case split....I`m gonna swap motors for the time being and put in the spare one....And work on this pone with the air leaks....Maybe I blew the gasket out when I used some compressed air to blow off some gunk from my motor under the carb. area....Possible I guess,I mean I didn`t stand there and hold it right up on the motor gasket....I did replace all the case bolts with grade 8 allen head bolts and lock tighted them into place...

The slow idle return: I have experimented with the washers(3 or 4mm i think) under the needles to fine tune but no help.....I`ve tried all needle positions and washers....Just gotta be massive air leaks all around....I`ll let ya all know....Has anyone else sprayed around their motor with some carb. spray to see if the same thing happens to their motor too....????
I have 3 carbs. and I`ve tried all 3, with the same prob.`s....I even did the carb. mod. just to see what would happen if anything .....
Stay tuned,
Well I put in my spare motor...Before I installed it I sealed up the case seam/split, ALL around the motor with gray silicone.....Now I can`t lean it out enough...I put a completly stock carb on it, needle is all the way down,holes drilled in the air box cover,and plug is just starting to get a dark chocolate brown......Motor has new base gasket,head gasket, piston skirt has been cut to match port,intake port/tube is port/gasket matched,exhaust is PipeLyne with mod. stock muffler.....
Crazy the way it got really rich like that....
I have had a couple that needed serious work to lean out enough. One I will have to solder and re-drill the jet fo'sho'.
I wonder if it was because I sealed up the case for air leakage????I might have to do the same,I have a K&N filter coming and a cns carb too.....We`ll see...
Thanks for the drilled/soldered jet idea,
Well I finally got this motor to come around....I had to file down the carb. slide base to get it to lean out enough......OH, my motor sucked down the car. rubber oring/washer into the motor.....I guess it went all the way through the motor....Found rubber in my exh.....