49cc west coast chopper


New Member
my neighbour was throwing away this bike so i decided to save it and put a motor on it,here it is after i cleaned all the rust off


first i fitted the rear sproket and modified the brake arm


next was the front engine mount



thats all i have done so far next will be rear engine mount,modify the left pedal arm and make a custom fuel tank
Aussiedan, Very nice build.

You can add a fuel filler bung and use that tank for petrol.


thanks crazy horse i was thinking the same thing but i will have to pay someone coz i dont have a tig welder. i like the look of a tank hidden in a leather bag i could make another fire extinguisher tank but for now im using the kit tank for run in
today i done the rear engine mount,crank arm and installed the rest of the kit.i went for a 30min test ride everything is working well only problem i had was the fuel tap was dripping a little so i need to put some thread tape on it.after run in i will sort out the tank and custom exhaust



i made an exhaust from an old pair of handlebars and ordered a 36t rear sprocket as it tops out at 45kph with the 20in wheels.i also started work on the tank, are duel outlets realy needed? i was going to use the fuel tap from a stock tank

1 petcock is all we use on the west coast tanks we weld up ;)
they do look much better than the kit tanks :)
ok thanks azbill i dont want to wreck the chrome tho so ill need to sort out some tank mounts

i installed my 36t rear sprocket but it only gained 3kph top speed i was expecting alot more maybe its the high wall tyre? the vibrations are down alot and its not reving like crazy at top speed.

my other bike is a stock 50 with homemade expansion chamber,44t sprocket and 26x1 3/8 wheels and i have had it up to 66kph on the gps speedo
i think my silencer was blocked,i made a twin silencer setup out of a spare stock exhaust and to my surprise it increased my top speed to 54kph.i think it leaned it out abit as i needed to turn the idle down after fitting the exhaust,the slight 4 stroking is gone,its alot more responsive and reaches a higher rpm
