1/2 HP garage door opener motor, will it work?


New Member
I have a 1/2 horsepower garage door opener motor, the question is will it be enough or do I need a bigger motor? I will get pictures in a few....
your motor is probably 120v ac and will not work, what you need are called permanent magnet motors and they come in all voltages from say 12 to i20 volts alot of floor scrubbers that are battery powered have these as do some foriegn made washing machines, frank
This is a joke, right? If not and to answer your question; yes you can use it on a bike...but you're going to need one heck of a long extension cord.
headds welcome to the forum,hang around and read, read, read.This group is capable of doing online brain surgery.Harleys Dad
You can do online brain surgery. I have a tumor that I need removed. My doc won't attempt it but if you guys want to take a shot at it we can arrange something. We can go to some really nice hotel and book a suite. it would be cheaper than the hospital. Get a few dancers to help out. Heck even if you kill me we can have a lot of fun first. LOL