
  1. bikebuilder

    New from Utah

    New from Utah with a motorized swingbike This looks like a great place for info and ideas. I recently put these two together. The stingray was a project with my kids. It was fun to make the custom exhaust on them and to see how it affected the performance. The black bike is slower but has...
  2. B

    chopper bike? stingray vs. other

    Hi all, I am new to this forum and world of motor bikes but very excited to be joining. For my first bike, I want a cool looking chopper bike with an 66cc (80cc) motor with a budget of about $400. I am not quite sure what bike to use though... All i can find om craigslist is the schwinn...
  3. M

    Schwinn OCC build, how to mount 27T sprocket??

    I just ordered all the parts to put a 66cc motor on my OCC Stingray. I've been reading up and just realized that it will be super slow with a 44T sprocket. I'm having no luck finding a faster size that will mount. Where can I find and how do I mount a 28-25T sprocket so this thing will move...
  4. KiLlEr_MiKe420

    Schwinn Sting-Ray Mounting Question

    Well i just bought a Schwinn Sting-Ray motorized bicycle that has what i hear is a 49 or 50cc motor. Well it seized up so im buying a new one but i was wanting to put an 80cc motor on it but i cant find any that match the mount that is welded on the frame. So my question is does anyone know...
  5. C

    XL Schwinn Stingray Chopper

    I recently bought an XL chopper and i wanted to put a lifan 110 or 125cc engine on it. But after going to the local ATV store today to look for a possible rear wheel & tire upgrade & ask questions about motors. The guy at the store told me that i should just get a 50cc motor because it offers...