
  1. P

    Any sellers or shipping in/to Ireland?

    Hi everyone, New here but i have been doing a lot of reading up on motor bicycles however my knowledge only extends to the mechanics and assembly. I do not know much about shipping in regards to anything really (yes I am young). What i would like to know is: Are there any reliable sellers in...
  2. A

    Anyone still sell to California?

    I'm trying to obtain an engine, but no one will ship to California. RAW engines was purchased by some other company (same as Zone8), DAX has been out of stock for months (and will be for quite some time), Venice Motor stopped selling kits...and now I'm left in the dark! Does anyone still...
  3. nidyanazo

    Hundreds of kits in stock, same day shipping

    Seems like alot of suppliers are out of stock, just wanted to let those of you looking for a kit know we have tons available and ready for immediate dispatch! Check us out @ Our fedex shipping includes free overnight delivery in SoCal, and gurenteed 2-day delivery anywhere in...
  4. Horacio

    Hello from Korea

    Hello, I finished my MB a few weeks ago and been running around with lots of problems; however a lot of them have been resolved thanks to you guys. I'm originally from California, but in Korea on military orders. Since I am not allowed to own a car over here a MB has been great. But my biggest...