
  1. C

    MTB for Heavy Riding

    I want to climb hills with a bike. I need advice on the best bike for cycling in the mountains. I found a website while I searched for information on it. There were 5 mountain bikes reviewed. However, I'm not really sure which is...
  2. G3R0N1M0

    90's Diamondback Accent

    This is my first build.It is a 26" Diamondback Accent with a 66cc Dax(older model i don't think he sales them any more in fact i know he don't). My pops bought this motor for $100 from some guy in northern California. It came already mounted to a bike in which i didn't like so i put it on this...
  3. Noxuz

    3 Third build cannondale 24" rear 26" front

    Watch this out guys..... btw i have a huge problem, i cant tighen the exhaust pipe because the holes in the motor where the pipe nuts go is totall destroyed, i cant screw anything. and the pipe just bounces and dont freaking works in silencing and makes a **** of a noise.... btw2 i have noticed...
  4. U

    My First Build: RoadMaster Granite Peak

    I decided to bite. I needed a better way for a 10 mile hike to work. This idea seems to work the motor was already here, I just needed the frame. But, by my luck. Because of a certain incident at Walmart, I was able to choose any bike off the floor for free of charge!.....and I chose the...
  5. G

    Schwinn High Timber hi speed build

    I have a schwinn High timber 26" bike with: 26 x 1.95 semi slicks 415 chain with 41t sprocket and rag joint thatsdax premium f80 engine 66cc(60 something cc) upgraded chain tensioner with a 10t sprocket off ebay nt carb, stock jet size #70, clip is in center position low profile SBP air filter...
  6. M

    Hello from tempe az

    Hey everyone! My names gary> I am on my third motorized bike build since my last two were stolen. First was a happy time diamondback response, second was a gebe 32cc tanaka hardrock, now ill post the build of my schwinn ditch staton 40cc tanaka!! I ride everyday and had 4,000 miles on my gebe...
  7. W

    **Pocket Bike Exhaust and Gas Tank**

    Ive seen a lot of people put pocket bike exhausts on their bikes and I wanted to know which one to get, preferably one that goes under. I also wanted to put that white half gallon pocket bike gas tank on a motor bike so I can see the mixture and to not have a bulky metal gas tank on my bike...