
  1. N

    Broken 3 12ga spokes using a Manic Mechanic Adapter..How to fix??

    I've got a wheel from my local bike shop that supposedly more heavily built with 12ga spokes coster brake arm says HiStop and the sticker said 26x 2.125 Wheel Master so not sure what it is and i'm using a Manic Mechanic adapter clamp. Since i built the bike i've constantly had problems with the...
  2. N

    Histop HD Coaster wheel with MM adapter keeps going out of true

    I have a Histop Heavy duty coaster rear wheel with the manic mechanic adapter on it and somehow the wheel keeps going out of true after about 50-75miles.:-|| I could imagine this happening with a rag joint but with the MM adapter i havn't a clue as to what would be causing this? I've even...