
  1. Testname111

    My magneto generator idea?? please look

    If I take this waterproof sensor-less brushless motor 3pole 1 for spark 1 for ground 1 for accessory (looking to rectify to 12v d/c) bike/generator...
  2. PluckStrumRide

    12v generator help

    New to the forum. 3 builds under my belt so far. The age old question that I can NEVER sort out: How to get proper lighting on a bike? I'd rather skip buying endless amounts of batteries and buying lights that fail after a week or two. I HAVE found a 12v generator that installs next to the...
  3. J

    Electric Bike Generator Issues

    Hello! I have a 1/8 hp motor that we were hoping to use as a generator. It is supposed to turn at 810 rpm when supplied with 230 V and 2.7 A. When we spun it at 810 rpm, we only got 4 V though. Are we doing something wrong or is the motor defective? Or does the motor not respond the same...
  4. Schwinn the Fox

    Will a 12v generator make your engine explode?

    Heres something new, I bought a 12v Generator which runs off the magneto (NOT THE WHITE WIRE) on my 49cc chinagirl and I installed it. Worked fine and loved it. Even got a taillight to go with the headlight that came with the gen. After about 3 days of using it I noticed something, quite not...
  5. Freeatlast

    Internal generator for 49cc

    Does anyone have any experience with an Internal generator? I found this one on Ebay. It looks like a cleaner install than on on the tire. THANX 6 Volt Electrical Generator for Motorized Bicycle Light - eBay (item 150520939905 end time Nov-22-10 20:22:14 PST)