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  • can someone send me a some piston rings 47mm for 2 stroke motorized bike im broke i spent all my money in this bike 400 already invested and when i took the head off and looked at the pistons there was no piston rings i got the clutch unstuck to all i need is piston rings and ill be on the road plz someone hlp send some to 1222 batesburg hwy saluda sc 29138
    Recycle some plastic bottles and aluminum cans for the few dollars ya need for piston rings
    i bought a 80cc motorbike set online and i put it all together and it did not run so i looked online and it said use a power drill on the mag screw and i did it clockwise fast speed and it crank up for a min or so and shut off i try ride it down the road and use the clutch to get it to crank up that does work only when i use a power tool strate to piston and makes the engine turn over whats wrong with it
    plz hlp
    You need piston rings LOL
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