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  • Hi there! I was hoping you could help me. What is a Martin Road Runner Whizzer worth? I have one that is complete less fenders, carb, and timing chain cover, but needs full restoration.
    Sorry to hear that Bob, i don't know anyone right now, but will ask around if not to late.
    Sorry for the long delay, i'll give you a call.

    Do you anyone who would want to buy my Whizzer parts and 48 huffman frame, fenders with a roadrunner for. I have 700 motor and all the things that came with it, 2 gas tanks, 2 Pearson seats, nos Whizzer brake hubs and Whizzer tailer, heavy duty spokes and other vintage bicycle parts. I need to sale it asap. I need the money by Monday at the lastest, as I will lose where I live. I don't really want to, but I have option. You can get me at 323-257-1583 or 213-422-7377 so we can talk.
    Thanks, Bob Davidson
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