Ok, I finally got it put together and managed to squeeze in about a 3 mile ride before the darkness. All I can say is wow. This has given me the best results yet. My powerband is a LOT wider, and there is quite a bit more low end power. And it really runs smoother. A lot smoother. Prior to this, my top speed on the flat surfaces was about 25-26 mph, tonight I got it up to 29 mph in the same spots, and the motor didnt sound like it was about to blow apart. The hill climbing wasnt as dramatic of an increase, however. I did have more power up the hills, but not like I have in the flats. I weigh about 250 lbs, so I am not complaining. The lower rpm power did give me a better stamina going up hills.....16-18 mph up relatively steep hills (without touching the pedals) with my weight is nothing to scoff at.
Prior to these mods, not necessarily in this order, I replaced : the spark plug with an Ngk, gasket matched the intake and exhaust pipes, completely gutted the muffler and brazed on a lawnmower muffler as a silencer, put an o-ring between the carb and intake, and lowered the clip on the carb needle one notch...thus raising the needle. Usually, I do one mod at a time so that I can keep track of power gains or losses, but I wasnt about to pull that cylinder off 8 times to track it that close. I would also like to add that the area around the head/cylinder where the head gasket once was is bone dry; absolutely no signs of leakage.
Prior to tonight, the biggest gain I got was the exhaust work, after gutting the muffler. I tried to drill out the baffle, etc. but I wasnt happy with those results. Gutting is the way to fly. There is a 1/2" hole in the end cap of the muffler exiting into the muffler. I am going to have to get lock nuts for the exhaust pipe, I cant go a mile without those frikkin nuts backing off.
Remember, the increase in power is the result of several small modifications. Right now I am happy with what I have, but I am going to get a tuned pipe soon. The SBP kit looks like the best deal out there, and Ghost and Pablo seem like really decent folks to deal with, although I do not know them. Thanks for everybody following along so far. I highly recommend cleaning up the ports, and the head gasket trick is worth the effort. Plus its pretty much free. Just watch your clearance, make sure the piston doesnt hit the head. I will update soon after more happy time!