liquid cooled ht bicycle engine

will it work

  • will it cool?

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • will it blow up in a week?

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • will it run awesome?

    Votes: 5 62.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Metal Molding Madman
I am currently transforming a pk 80 into a liquid cooled engine. It is going in my slow building puma that I have been working on since april. the water pump and radiator are from a pocket bike and pump will be ran off the crank when finished I will post my progress
Re: liquid cooled ht

It's quite the task. boxing in the original jug and drilling water passages thru the cooling fins. quite a bit of welding as well.
Re: liquid cooled ht

I guess my question is is cooler better. I guess you are going to find out. It is my experience however limited that these little engines don't really run well until they get warmed up. I would guess the fit of the piston,ring and cylinder dimensions are all calculated to be right at a temperature that they are known to run at under normal conditions. Run it colder and it would seem to me the clearances inside are going to stay pretty loose. If you are modifying the engine so the power level is raised to the point the parts cannot shed the additional heat generated and piston siezing becomes a concern then water cooling would probably help. You will soon know.

Re: liquid cooled ht

ya I'm just having fun and experimenting the motor is hidden away on the bike and isnt going to get a great deal of air so it might help. And yes they do run good hot and we shall see if it still does.
Re: liquid cooled ht

just dialing in welder on scrap jug
Re: liquid cooled ht


That Weld Bead Looks Super. What Type Of Welder Did That (with Your Help Of Course) ?

Re: liquid cooled ht

Pertty cool Taco. (no pun intended) Looking forward to seeing how this goes. Could be a great boon for folks in hotter climates too.
Re: liquid cooled ht

ron, I used a tig welder. Dan, i'm gonna make it work. I need a MACHINEST TO MAKE ME A pulley to attach on the crank next
Re: liquid cooled ht

I have no doubt you will make it work Taco! Your a very dedicated kinda guy.

A few years back and since, this has come up. The cooling thing. I had thought do it like a drip coffee maker. Use the heat as the pump. Just a small tank of water with a outlet at the bottom going to copper tubbing that wraps around the valley between the 2 top cooling fins. Then returns to the top of the tank. Would save the hassle of a pump and would only work when the engine got hot enough to move the water. If you put a small piece of pipe in a bucket of water with one end sticking out and put a torch to the end sticking out, water will move towards the heat. Uphill. Even if only enough to make it come out as steam on the return, that is water's best and most efficient cooling effect. It can more easily absorb heat.

LOL, Ya got me back on this Taco. I might try it on that experimental HF engine.

I was not there but at a scooter rally a friend was just at in Mass., he told me every one had heat issues except for one china girl that only needed to be allowed to cool down. It was during the lil heat wave we just had. I can only imagine how much this could help our brothers and sisters down south, With your laser thermometer, find the best heat range. After seeing yours, I bought one and have been keeping notes on the 4 smokes
Re: liquid cooled ht

Just a small update.. I have aquired all the materials for my travel into the unknown!! the new jug is all ready to start the fab proscess. will have to redial the welder as my new material is way thinner than what I used yesterday. I have a big piece of a hood from an audi its like a 16th thick aluminum. I still need to order my waterpump and radiator from pbu.. will snap pics of progress...
Re: liquid cooled ht

finished boxing it just need to grind it up nice and weld in the nipples for the hoses
Re: liquid cooled ht

ok so I drilled the holes where the hoses will be coming out. I filled it with water and it held it without a weep for 3hrs. next is finishing up the rest of the bike so I can start putting it back together