e bike experiments over


minor bike philosopher
First I built a china girl kit bike.... then I built a bunch of weed whacker and chainsaw bikes... then I turned my attention to Ebikes.

My goals were modest when I went to build ebikes. I wanted a bike that a person could ride to the store for a six pack ect. I set the following requirements. It had to do ten miles per hour min and go ten miles on a charge. It also had to be easy to build and inexpensive to duplicate and easy to ride.

I tried friction and it was a failure... Then I tried a pusher trailer and it was excellent but failed the easy to build and maintain. Then I just put the whole thing ON TOP of the rear wheel and made the friction drive Rhino bike. This bike is extremely easy to build and maintain. It is inexpensive compared to any kit bike.

It will do I estimate about 15miles an hour on the flat. I judge the range on a 12 ah sealed lead acid batter pack at about 12 to 15 miles. So the experiment is over.

I will probably refine it some and work on better pulling trailers but for all intents and purposed the Rhino bike is the perfect DIY ebike for me.
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Trailers for a while... The best trailer I built is too expensive for a true DIY project. At about twenty bucks a wheel it's a lot. I went by the thrift store today and I can get a 12 1/2 kids bike for 5 to 7 bucks. I can use both wheels I expect. That is if they have the same size axle.

I would really like to make a trailer that looks like one of those old express wagons we used to have as kids. With the side rails like a farm wagon.
you can buy that motor from tnc probably cheaper...

I like the scooter motor for friction drive it is not geared down very high rpm....
I received this as an email today.

It's too bad that will all those tons of posts you made on that forum and the final one saying they could lock it now and how you came up with the perfect ebike for yourself, not one picture. I think you probably don't realize it, but if you're going to keep a running daily log as you do with all these ideas going in all directions and don't even post pics, it's all wasted. You can type 10,000 words to describe what one picture would show. It's clear you're just one of those that flat doesn't like taking pics. That's why most of the time on the forum, you were talking to yourself.

If this is true then I guess I have wasted two years worth of experiments except that I learn to learn. If anyone can think of a time I was asked a detailed question and did not answer please let me know. Also I post on this forum as entertainment, I'm retired and can't afford movies ect. rofl

So I guess I'm just talking to myself man to man again....
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Hi Deacon, I Wonder If He Realizes, You Are A Retired Photographer. I Thought You Knew, A Picture Is Worse Than A Thousand Words!! Lol. Later My Friend. Ron .cvlt1
Retired photographer with thirty years of professional experience... and I have exactly one picture of my daughter I took over those years lol...

I am an amateur writer so i think the story is the thing. The facts are less important that the mental image. Kind of like a politician.

Hey Neat, you weren't supposed to have read that. LOL
Oh things like that happen. I was very nice about it. I directed him to the images of the bike in a different thread. I just wanted to post it here to get a laugh from it lol. He probably doesn't remember the time at the very beginning when my posts were about the only ones on here regularly.

It's really kind of funny. And I have about ten people who read my stuff and I consider them the best ten here
Thanks Pops I appreciate that. I love to tell a story it's my one joy these days other than bikes.