simple lighting system


New Member
so hello there im trying out my first electrical lighting system for my gonna use a 6v system for this first try and im not gonna buy the super expensive bulbs. im gonna start out with all l.e.d.s to save on energy .

this is gonna be my trial run if everything goes well on this im going to replicate it or modify it to a 12 volt system for my next bike and use nice quality d.o.t. approved lights and fixtures to make it legal easier of course l.e.d.s. but this one is going to be all 6v so i can hook up a diode later

any advise or input would be greatly appreciated. buy please please keep it simple i just learned what a diode and a rectifier were yesterday. and im still not quite sure what a zener diode does my understanding is it acts as a buffer to keep the battery from receiving to much charge but i thought a regulator was supposed to do that.i dont exactly know much about wattage amperage ohms and stuff like that i do know wiring lights and switches pretty good as you can see from my diagram i understand basic flow of electricity but the actual properties im confused.

so i dont know any fancy squigily lines to represent special thing its pretty basic

sp: singlepole switch
dp: double pole switch

oh and i forgot to include a fuse but theres going to be one in the final build

the picture s a little fuzzy and even has a outline of a ghost


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    simple wiring diagram.jpg
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ok thanks for all the input guys

but anyways heres a better wiring diagram

d= double throw switch
s= single throw switch
fl= flasher unit
redwire = positive
blue wire = ground
blue wire red dashes = secondary positive wires
brokin red wire with red dashes = secondary positive wire

i think its farely simple to understand if theres any questions ask me


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    vastly improved diagram.jpg
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here are a couple lights i bought today all leds i decided to go with a 12 v system for convenience the orange lights are gonna be turn signals i havent decided which im gonna use for brake light or running light i figure ill use the brightest light for brake light to get attention if it turns out to be the flat light ill get two and run them next to eachother for a long wide light i havent figured out what im gonna use for headlights yet but they will for sure be leds i might start off with mr16 till i can afford the lights i want but end result will be a led fixture


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    turn signal up close.jpg
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    lights i have so far.jpg
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Looks complicated. Are you going to use the white wire for topping up the battery? Depending how it goes, you might want to get the light's going in stages instead of everything at once. Like headlight brake light first, then add blinkers, etc. Might be less of a headache, eh? When you get it going you should post a tutorial for people wanting to do the same. I know I'd appreciate it. :)

killercanuck whats up man
well killer thats the thing about wiring diagrams they look so darn complicating but when you get down to it its its just a step by step thing first figure out where the switches are going then figure out what wires go where then do the wiring the easies way to do that is connect the negatives up first once they are out of the way work thru the power one soucre at a time headlights brake light running light turn signal

really man its not as hard as it seems

i do intend to do it all in one shot i will take pictures of everything and post a step by step cause i like to help people out the only thing slowing this down is money time and fashioning light brackets