Uk Oil???


New Member
Hi all as you can see im kinda new around here...and love the site so much fab info....however...i have had a search around and cant find what i am looking for...can anyone recomend an oil available in England for my 80cc 2 stroke? Thanks very much soon as i have this i should be on my way...lowriderl
Any name brand synthetic 2 stroke oil is good, just make sure it is not "injector" oil.
Nominator and interceptor have given me more than enough satisfaction. Use 20 to 1 until you go through a tank or two and then you can cut back on the oil. If you don't know where to get it, you could try a motorcycle shop or a place that sells Lawn cutting stuff or boats.
Good luck.
Here is a link in the UK

AMSOIL 2-Stroke Oils
Thats brill...thanks for that...20-1 you say....i know there has been loads of stuff on ratio's...the info sent with bike says start 16-1....why is 20-1 better? just learning all the info...thanks againlaff
16/1 is a little better when breaking in then engine, but dont run it for more that a few tanks or you could fowl your spark plug. then move gradually up to 32/1 or whatever it seems comfortable with round there.
WOW!! see lots of advice...i will run my bad boy in at 16.1 for a couple tanks then...any advise on how to mix? or just a good ol shake good enough??.bld.
hey mate.
just make sure when ur running in the engine you hav oil coming out the exhaust.
This mean u have 2 much oil but that is ALOT better then 2 little oil.
it just means u will have to take out the spark plug and clean it with a cloth and maby a little bit of sandpaper.

If u can get ur hands on motul oil they are argubly the best lubrication oil.
I just had a look on their website and they got like 7 different types on 2 stroke oil.

Just a little off track but check out what the motul website says bout this oil.

MOTO MIX 2T is a mineral-based 2-stroke lubricant specially formulated for the latest generation of moped engines. Mixes easily and instantly with gasoline, MOTO MIX 2T has been developed to manufacturers' requirements. MOTO MIX 2T lowers carbon deposit and minimises spark plug fouling.
