Fuel Bags

Has anyone tried using fuel bags for a fuel cell?

OH Man! 2 cool. I looked in to them a few yrs back and could only find crazy expensive ones. But is such a great thought Joaquin. First, safety but more importantly (snork) ya could put one in any thing and it would work.

On the ground in WW2, ya could shoot any U.S. fighter with a .45 in a half full fuel tank. With the Zero, ya got a baroque right quick.

I wanna use a classic 1960's school kids lunch box for a gas tank. "Cause BatMan rocks!

...and don't need a vent! It collapses. So you could ride your MB up-side down very briefly. Don't ask me how or why I think that is important but would also be of great help to our Aussie brethren. (snork, gonna get some PMs fer that)


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Uber cool! Cheap is great. Really looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

No kidding, a few yrs back I searched and searched. I forget but was 200 bucks for a lunch box sized bag or some thing like that.
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I think I have found the perfect item to use for a fuel bladder...

The bladders used for hydration packs!

I luckly had an old one laying around and plugged the outlet hose and the filled it full of fuel and layed it with the fill cap down so that if any part will get "eaten" by the fuel, I'll know pretty quickly.

I'll report back on my findings soon!
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An excellent solution in search of a problem.
Good point that I was also wondering about.

What are the problems with steel or plastic fuel tanks on our bikes?

Are the bladders placed into a steel or plastic container?
Why do most of us need a fuel bladder?

I guess you could lay the bike down on its side without fuel leaking everywhere.
it's a great idea for older beach cruisers with the original fake tanks. i was looking into them awhile ago, but like dan said, they were way too expensive.
I think I have found the perfect item to use for a fuel bladder...

The bladders used for hydration packs!

I luckly had an old one laying around and plugged the outlet hose and the filled it full of fuel and layed it with the fill cap down so that if any part will get "eaten" by the fuel, I'll know pretty quickly.

I'll report back on my findings soon!

What a great idea. Opens up all sorts of options. Could put a fuel tank in any thing. The coolest looking classic one, like your sayin Baird, the fake tanks. An old brass fire extinguisher, a Spider-man lunch box and just about any thing with no real alterations. Even make just a classic looking tank, but could be made from any thing, I am not sure about this but might not need to be vented. Would be safer in a crash.

I don't think this is the answer to any existing problem but rather just an alternative with some advantages for us.

Joaquin, I put gas in a laundry detergent jug for a year to see if the plastic would break down. Makes a perfect gas can with a button operated spigot. It didn't fail and has had 2 and 4 stroke fuel in it. Be really great to see your idea work out!

Well the fuel as been in the bag for 11 hours and so far everything seems fine.

An excellent solution in search of a problem.

It takes care of several issues in the overall design of my moto-bike.

Opens up all sorts of options. Could put a fuel tank in any thing.

My plan is to suspend a bag for the fuel cells under the rear cargo rack. If i were into motorizing old classic cruisers...I'd go apesh*t over this concept.

Here is another concept I've come up with that goes great with the fuel bag concept...


Take a Schreader valve stem and cut the rubber off of it and secure it on your cells (you will see i used a "thru-hull" type valve stem for the current waterbottle tank on my bike) output line. Then get the tip off of a cheap manual bicycle pump and attach to the line going into the carb...Now you have a check valved fuel cell that can be quick-disconected from the motor!
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It has been close to 3 1/2 days now, and I can't not see any effect on the bladder!

I'm calling my test a sucess.

Now I'll try to find hydration bladders that are an "off" brand that does not have any logo's on them so that there arn't any legal issues from the manufacturer.
Awesome. I was gonna ask today how it was going.

I looked at a few in stores and am thinking we could make em our selves. The ones I felt were some sort of rubber and just heat sealed. I am thinking that way, could be container specific made.

Side note, ya need an easier nic to spell so we can call em "Jaoquin tanks" or some thing, lol