The Black Stallion

Here is my build, a lot of time went into my paint job, pre engine. My rims are shimmering gold, and bike is completely blacked out. I'm currently building a trailer, need to paint it black, and gold rims also. Gonna install a motorcycle battery in the trailer, and run headlights and neons, and there's a possibility I may install an amp and subs, with wiring leading to a mini dash on the handlebars with mp4 player, gps, among other things. When I'm done, this bike will look like it's worth $2000! Sweet.


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Thank you! I'll be posting pics in threads all over the place here as I go. In a minute I'm gonna get to work bracing the bottom so it's very sturdy. Then, when the sun comes up, I'm gonna remove the wheels and begin the black paint job. I'm going to put ADDICTED BICYCLE CUSTOMS on the back panel for people behind to see, the neon lights will be awesome, and since the battery will be 12v, I can run anything a car can run. I found a box at Canadian Tire (departement store) that will allow me to plug into a wall outlet to charge motorcycle battery. It's going to be pretty pimped. No limits to my imagination. lol. I'll keep posting pics as I progress. :)
Nice setup you have going there man..I'm still trying to figure out what i can do for a sound system setup,battery wiring etc. i want mine to thump thump thump!

Get some EL wire with the portable 2 AA inverter it would be much easier to handle with..shft.
By the way, in case you're all curious, I'm using one of my 3 drawer dressers as the box. I plan to make most of the top plexiglass, with a 4 inch "drawer" so to speak. So that when you look down on the top of the trailer, you'll see my amp, the subs, and some neon lights to show everything off inside. The trailer will have a flap lid at the front, with a nice sturdy lock and hinge. The whole trailer will be sealed, waterproofed, and sick! :)
I want the 12v motorcycle battery because it's pretty small, it will run many lights and what not, which I can buy over the counter and use cigarette lighter plug ins. I'll have six ports likely, so plenty to play with. Even if I wanted to run an electric air pump, it can happen. Gps unit for a car, can then be run on the bike. And like I said, you just plug it in at night, with the charger box of course, and you're set for the next day.
OH! and I want to have a wiring clip, like a trailer on a truck, so that I can run my headlight also, using an actual motorcycle headlight. Tail lights on the trailer and seatpost. All run by battery. if not enough power in the end, I'll upgrade engine with air filter and expansion chamber, and run either a second motorcycle battery, or a full size car battery. Either way, it's mostly for my own enjoyment. I want to build motor bikes for people, and I want them to be pimped, not just another engine kit. I like to be original, and the nicer I can make my bike look, the more people will remember ADDICTED. :)
Dude i hear ya on that.I plan to get something going here similar to what your doing.I'm a bike addict myself..There's a website with all different kinds of batteries at decent prices but i can seem to remember the name of it,would you happen to know? I'ma try to keep things down on the budget you know!
.crt.Hey ABC, I'm not a fan of BOOM BOOM music but good luck on the build, I'm planning to use a similer trailer modified to haul mt stuff ( camping gear, food what ever ). BUT for some reason your pics are 180 degrees out. In less you have a very different bike motor combo with motor drive on the right and enjoy backwards writing. I am looking forward to seeing your wiring job.
my laptop takes pics backwards. lol. Here is the progress tonight. Bottom of trailer is seriously supported now. That floor is not busting out, that's for sure! lol.


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Ok, so, I've got a bit more done, painted my first coat, partly anyways. I only had a bit of black left from painting the bike, so I just threw on the rest, focusing on the rims. I had to go to band practice, using my trailer to tug my bass across the city. lol, worked perfectly, and the bottom of the trailer doesn't move a bit. Had my tools, gas, oil, lots in there, plus the bass, so it's going well. :) here's some recent pics. (yes, that's a cup holder on my handlebars. lmao) Also, my black engine's bearing broke, so I had to resort to the old grey one. It's fine, looking into whether or not I can paint the engine with bbq paint or not. :)


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For those who are curious, here is how the trailer attaches to the bike. It goes on the left bottom frame tube, where the engine sprocket is on the back tire. You just hand tighten the clamp, as tight as you can, and away you go. Safety straps for arm and wheels, in case of breakage, I won't loose the trailer. When the neons and subwoofer are installed, I'll design a key lock for the arm-bike connection, so nobody can take anything. One thing I will be installing when I have the battery, is a car alarm. One that beeps on the keychain when alarm is activated, so I can drop kick whoever's messing with my ride! lol


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What Did You Do??? Reverse The Negative To Change Engine To Right Hand Drive, And Trailer Connected On The Right Hand Side?? Lol. Ron
Sorry guys, my laptop takes pictures backwards for some weird reason, thanks guys, for the compliments. :) I have some more black paint, I'll post more pics as I get em. :)
Here is my build, a lot of time went into my paint job, pre engine. My rims are shimmering gold, and bike is completely blacked out. I'm currently building a trailer, need to paint it black, and gold rims also. Gonna install a motorcycle battery in the trailer, and run headlights and neons, and there's a possibility I may install an amp and subs, with wiring leading to a mini dash on the handlebars with mp4 player, gps, among other things. When I'm done, this bike will look like it's worth $2000! Sweet.

Gawd.....I must faith in humanity is restored......such an awesome build......especially the kids Rock Box !.......never toobrnot young are we ?

age is only a number. to grow up, means to only get bigger. I will always be that little kid, dreaming up fantasies, and running over pop cans with my bike to make it sound like it has an engine... hmmm, just looked at my bike, apparently I don't need pop cans anymore!!! WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Lol. Thank you by the way, my bike appreciates your compliments. (It talks to me) Ha ha. :) RIDE HARD, LIVE FREE!!!
age is only a number. to grow up, means to only get bigger. I will always be that little kid, dreaming up fantasies, and running over pop cans with my bike to make it sound like it has an engine... hmmm, just looked at my bike, apparently I don't need pop cans anymore!!! WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Lol. Thank you by the way, my bike appreciates your compliments. (It talks to me) Ha ha. :) RIDE HARD, LIVE FREE!!!

We may grow older.....and look like it ......I myself refuse to succumb to such bull****......just like you I ran over cans....making them *pop*.....I'm 47 years old....and have had more fun on my MB's...cruising along the back roads.....inroads...dodging cars and various wild animals....humans included....than I ever did as a kid......and for that I consider my life a success.............
