Schwinn Stingray XL Frame & Fork For Sale


New Member
Hey Guys,
I have a Schwinn Stingray XL Frame & Fork For Sale

Color is Sapphire Blue Metallic.

This is the Big Stretch Version of the stock Stingray OCC bike that fits adults quite well.
You'll need the fork with this frame as the neck height is much taller than the stock Stingray.
The wheelbase is nearly 5 feet long, axle to axle.

A Motorized Stingray owner could buy this frame and swap over their motor, aftermarket motor mounts, exhaust, Stingray wheels & cranks, etc. and have a much bigger Chopper. Matching Fenders, Long Chain Guard, Seat and High Rise Stingray Handle Bar may go with the frame if the price is right. The wheels and cranks are being used for another build.

I'm taking offers.


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Brett! How much longer are those forks than the regular stingray forks? I'd be interested inthem or Just the legs if you would be willing to sell them?
Well, the fork should go with the frame as the head tube is super long
and these forks are built for that. As far as a price goes, it depends on what you want.
I have the frame and fork, but I also have the super long chain guard, a perfect seat,
the higher Stingray handle bars, etc.

These XL's are more rare than the Schwinn Spoilers in my opinion. You just can't find them.
It's been a while since this original post, and I am now thinking of putting the entire bike on ebay
to see what it would fetch, but I am unsure at this time.

I dunno...shoot me some offers by private message and we'll go from there.
I believe so...

There are much better fork assemblies out there that are relatively inexpensive.
The Stingray's triple trees are stamped steel with narrower tubes and narrower separation.
You can get a 36" x 1-1/4" tubed, wide machined aluminum triple tree fork with built in brackets for
disc brakes for around $70 elsewhere.
The one on my blue Bobber is just such a fork but in the 30" length.


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Actually I've used those forks in the past. I plan to use the Schwinn Triple trees because of the rake they have. there used to be a guy that made aluminun triple for the schwinns that had the rake but don't believe he is doing that anymore. only ever seen one bike with them.
If I remember they were made in England at the beginning of the OCC craze. He used to sell them on Ebay back then.

These legs are going on my WCC/OCC half breed I'm working on here. Not my bike I ride is building me.

I already have the OCC legs on it but they drop the front down. I plan on haveing some tubes replaced to make it longer and a bit taller and add a OCC rear end to it.

Similiar to this bike: But Like I said a little longer and taller in the front


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Now those are the Triple Trees I'd also like to see still in production....
Additional Offset Rake built in. That feature helps out with the final trail measurement.

That red bike is down right beautiful!!! Did you build that one?
Man, a lot of work went into those weld seems. Lots of grinding, bondo, and sanding
to get that final look.
True Show Quality.

How, funny! the last little black OCC/WCC Rat Rod was the inspiration of my first MB build.
found it on another un-motorized bicycle forum.

On another note:
I've decided to put the entire Schwinn Stingray XL up on eBay to see what it will fetch.
Schwinn Stingray XL Adult Chopper OCC Style Bicycle - eBay (item 120452991577 end time Aug-03-09 18:59:07 PDT)
If it doesn't hit the reserve and no buyer pays, I'm going to dismantle it for parts and sell it like I originally intended.

is that bottom pic a 'brainfork'
I met John Brain once at a car show he was showing some bikes at approx 20 yrs ago
it was in missysauga, I think it was speedsport or motion (I am from the t.o. area)
very cool guy :)
No! I Believe that fork is the WCC fork with the springers added. I know John from back in the days when I ran My Custom Bike group on MSN. I have some of his custom made Springer fork plates here that may be used on a build. way before the wide tires and custom built stuff you see these days.

Brett if you decide to let those fork go LMK. that is if they don't go on ebay. Do you remeber what site that black bike was on? i found it and can't remember where.
that red bike was built by a guy on the schwinn forums. he started it just after the OCC came out. these days he has a real motorcycle tire on the back.(yes he is still using the OCC 3spd wheel). If anyone is interested a 130/7016 front tire works well.


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Aren't WCC and OCC bikes alike? Or does the Wcc have a smaller tire? My Only experance is with a old occ i am now thinking about selling And using the money to get a rat bike off craig'slist.
Thanks, Kustom, for the info!
I am a research and gather information bloodhound.
That is very useful to me.
I also would love to try out a Sturmey Archer 3 speed,
but I don't think it could handle the motor at higher rpm's.

The West Coast Chopper has 20"x3" tires on very skinny rims, whereas the Orange County Chopper has a Very Fat 20"x4.25" rear tire on a 4.25" rear rim, and a 24"x2.10" front tire on a 1.75" rim.

Dude, You want a Real Rat Rod?
Send Me Your OCC Frame and I'll Send you back a Bobber Frame that you can "Rat Out" with the Big OCC rear tire and Skinny front.
Shoot, I'll even throw in white Wall Paint For Free!
Stop messin' around and get a Real Rat Rod Motorized Bicycle! =-]'


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Brett! No problem. I have tons of Info on custom bikes and builders. Been around a long time.
Ran My Custom bike forum for about 7yrs on MSN before I lost interest and let it go to the crapper as to say.
Now I have a new found interest in custom bikes again and a new found interest in Motored bikes.
I'm thinking of doing this WCC/OCC as a motored bike. MY bike from I Ride will probably be just a 3spd pedal bike.
Actually I've used those forks in the past. I plan to use the Schwinn Triple trees because of the rake they have. there used to be a guy that made aluminun triple for the schwinns that had the rake but don't believe he is doing that anymore. only ever seen one bike with them.
If I remember they were made in England at the beginning of the OCC craze. He used to sell them on Ebay back then.

These legs are going on my WCC/OCC half breed I'm working on here. Not my bike I ride is building me.
I already have the OCC legs on it but they drop the front down. I plan on haveing some tubes replaced to make it longer and a bit taller and add a OCC rear end to it.

But Like I said a little longer and taller in the front

Is the triple tree installed on the first pictured red bike a raked tree? and If so do you know how many degrees? I cannot tell from the pictures. Thanks Gene
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If I had to guess, I'd say 5-7 degrees.
I remember those when they came out. The chopper bicycle scene was blowing up.
Wish someone still made them. Front trail set up would be easier on larger rakes and longer forks.