New and have questions?
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Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
New members and new/first time motorbike builders. If you have a question about your bike, be it, motor won't start, clutch/chain/sprocket/fuel/ spark plug/ carburetor/ or any other problems, please try using the 'Google Custom Search' feature before posting a question that has probably been asked and answered hundreds of times before. There is a wealth of information about motorized bicycles on this forum from members with lots of experience and it is all available if you will take the time to search for it.
Do not post a question unless you have done a seach for answers using the search feature located at the top of each page. Simply type in a key word such as "Tensioner" and you will be rewarded with all the information you could possibly ask for about chain tensioners and their related problems/solutions and alternatives.
If your search does not answer your questions then feel free to post in any of the appropriate sections that might pertain to your inquiry. When asking questions please include as much information as you can. Simply saying "My engine won't run, what do I do?" makes it hard for us to diagnose the problem if we don't know what kind of engine you have. Be specific. It will help us help you.

We ask that you do not make multiple and duplicate posts in several sections of the forum. For example, don't ask the same question multiple times in the belief that it will get more exposure. We will delete multiple and duplicate posts. Ask once in the appropriate section and wait for an answer or a response.

Please give serious consideration to any answer you might recieve from a question posted here. We have little to no control over the accuracy of the advice given by members and sometimes the advice you get might be posted by someone with less experience than yourself and be incorrect. We can not guarantee the accuracy of every answer you might recieve. We try to reduce this but there are times when answers to your questions can be erroneous and based on lack of experience. We highly suggest you research the subject and read what others have done to successfully eliminate the problem you might be having before taking advice that could be wrong.
Thank you.
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Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
This thread was confusing and first time posters were often neglected or overlooked by the older members. Older posts were deleted and newer ones less than a month old were moved.

New members please post in the appropriate section. We prefer that you make your first posts in the "Introduce Yourself" section and then if you have questions please post them in the section which deals with the area you have in mind. Example: Troubleshooting. Mounting. Laws and Legislation, etc.
This thread is now closed. Please follow the directions given above.
Thank you.
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