Felt slater Q matic New Build



New Member
Oct 28, 2008
Colorado Springs, CO
No problem m8, but if you do another build you will probably want to
be running the flex man Q Matic ultra secret shifter kit......LOL
It will be a while before I build another 4-stroke. On the other hand...my church is looking at ways to get people transportation for work and such in the most cost effective way...so may end up setting up some 2-strokes for these folks.

flex man

New Member
Feb 24, 2011
Woodland Hills Ca.
I didn't build this because I wanted have the fastest bike .There is always a faster bike..I wanted the only one or the first one.also it goes up just about any hill plus
it has a pretty good top speed .the Nexus 3 speed is ok but when I put the Nu Vinci on then we will know the real performance. the 3 speed has a very wide ratio if you have a close ratio look out.it's going to be a runner......Flex....
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flex man

New Member
Feb 24, 2011
Woodland Hills Ca.
I apoloigise To EVERYBODY that read some of my earlier post It was only ment for one person
I will keep everything positive from here........
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New Member
Feb 8, 2011
Sequim WA
It sounded like the Nexes's overdrive 3 gear needs more teeth on the rear sprocket so you can run top gear like before. Sure sounds nice running up through 1st and 2nd.

flex man

New Member
Feb 24, 2011
Woodland Hills Ca.
Yes your correct but also I had quite a few miss shifts kept twisting the wrong way as its on the left side works backwards..
plus the area is very hilly . Please all who viewed this was the first test ride . I am just glad I did not have to push it home. yes the gearing wasnt perfect . But the concept and design was solid..I will play with the gearing . also I am putting on a Nu Vunci hub monday tomorrow . Plus I need to buy a disc and caliper and a 22tooth
freewheel for the Nu Vinci They come with no sprocket..I personally think just the
Nu Vinci should take care of gearing problem. as it's not a wide ratio like the nexus.
Plus the low is much lower the high is higer and every variation inbetween..Flex..
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New Member
Feb 8, 2011
Sequim WA
I thought about that after I posted that the camera doesn't show grades very well. There was one bit there where she wound up pretty good in high gear. On my build I'm going to use a close ratio Sturmy-Archer that has two under drives and 3rd is 1-1. I am hoping that power loss will be nill in 3rd as everything internally is locked up in high.
Great job. Love listening to that thing when the clutch hooks up in 1st and she lays her ears back and goes.


The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
Greybeard said,
"Love listening to that thing when the clutch hooks up in 1st and she lays her ears back and goes."
Forgive this sideline please, but I read that line and it instantly took me back many years to a time when my passion was not motored bikes, but Indian ponies, true mustangs. I had the great privilege then of helping to save a breed of horse, now recognized in Canada as the Lac LaCroix Indian Pony and had the honor of giving them their name. Directly descended from the horses introduced to the new world by the Spanish in their conquest of the Americas, these horses were living in the wilds of northern Minnesota and near a remote Indian reservation across the border in Ontario Canada. Long story, but the short of it, sir, is that your words transported me onto the back of my herd stallion, Keokuk, who was a magnificent animal, a good friend and ran like the wind... as you say, he would lay his ears back and just go. I get chills just remembering the rush. If I can get something like that feeling on a motored bike... sign me up!
Now back to our regular programming...


New Member
Oct 28, 2008
Colorado Springs, CO
Greybeard said,
"Love listening to that thing when the clutch hooks up in 1st and she lays her ears back and goes." <br><br>If I can get something like that feeling on a motored bike... sign me up!
The feeling you mentioned was the feeling I get whenever I ride...no matter if it's an 80 cc 2-stroke or my current 4-stroke. No matter how bad a day I've had...I go for a ride and it all goes away every block...every stop sign...every mile I ride.

The difference when I was younger was that I could never afford the Mustangs or Corvette's to get the cheerleader...but I can afford this hobby and look like a million dollars doing it. For instance...a car load of girls saw me riding and told me how nice my bike was...WITHOUT laughing as they pulled away. After all these years...I've finally got me a pn$$y wagon which doesn't get laughed at by young or old.


New Member
Feb 8, 2011
Sequim WA
I enjoyed the short version of your story and it makes me want to buy the beer to hear the long version. The phrasing I used is because as a young boy I got a pony @ 5yrs, and we bred her to an Arab. The filly was 1/2 Welsh Pony and 1/2 Arab. Very personable, and very spirited. She would never let another horse get out in front, laying her ears back, and going like the wind.
I, too, will never forget the experience. Thanks for sharing.



New Member
Feb 8, 2011
Sequim WA
The Nuvinci should be able to shift by just unloading it a bit, making it possible to have some compression braking, and a little backrap, going down grades if you don't put the freewheel on it. When the engine is stopped the CC isn't engaged so you can push it.
The compression braking is something I'll miss 'cause I think a freewheel will be necessary with the Sturmy-Archer as it has to shift completely unloaded, and I don't want to much weight of drivetrain to have to be accelerated or decelerated so it'll last a while.

flex man

New Member
Feb 24, 2011
Woodland Hills Ca.
Plus the free wheel at the crank. So how do I get compression braking? Can you explain I dont think I am getting it. Are you saying if I lock the rear free wheel I can achive this..But even if I lock the rear free wheel what about the crank freewheel. I cant lock that I dont think my little legs can go that fast..I would love it if I could down shift and have it slow down and use gear to slow down as well as speed up. Now that would be great..Can anybody tell me if this is possible.
Thanks Silverbear I Bow down to you and Tinsmith .you guys are wonderfull fabricators. I finally went to chop shop and paint Oh My God your awsome..and greybeard thanks for kind words..........Flex.....
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The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
You're very generous with your compliments. Dan is the real artisan with tin work and a good friend. I'm just an old apprentice, learning from the master.


Active Member
Jul 31, 2008
el People's Republik de Kalifornistan
The compression braking is something I'll miss 'cause I think a freewheel will be necessary with the Sturmy-Archer as it has to shift completely unloaded, and I don't want to much weight of drivetrain to have to be accelerated or decelerated so it'll last a while.
Hey Greybeard, the Sturmey doesn't need to be completely unloaded to shift, but it does need to be much more unloaded to downshift than upshift. I can upshift at 3/4-throttle or less on mine, but downshifting is only possible when coasting or just after a throttle blip. I just hit the 800 mile mark on my setup.

As for compression braking, I don't know how Flex is going to do that with a CC on the crank. I don't think it's possible, even with a locked crank freewheel.

flex man

New Member
Feb 24, 2011
Woodland Hills Ca.
Hey Greybeard
Ok I get it. I just came back from a ride ..and now I understand it was quite clear what your saying .Now that I restudied everything..no freewheel in rear. Just at crank..............now I just need alittle more$$$$to get the disc brake set up and get the Nu Vinci laced .I will ride it first with rear freewheel
then I'll put alittle tack weld on free wheel and I am sure your theory is correct I should get eng. braking.................Thanks alot Flex..........And phoo thats cool .....Good for you !!!!
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flex man

New Member
Feb 24, 2011
Woodland Hills Ca.
With a locked rear freewheel it's the same as having the sprocket stuck on your rag joint or anyother hard mount..So yes eng. braking..same as befor..although I havent done it yet..
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