build offs!!!!


Jul 2, 2010
los angeles
Anyone/s want to revive build offs!!!

Which i have been told existed once before????

Post your feedback and/or interest!!!

Ride safe


New Member
Aug 6, 2011
Los Angeles
Anyone/s want to revive build offs!!!

Which i have been told existed once before????

Post your feedback and/or interest!!!

Ride safe
Let the build begin. My bike against the 20 or so bikes, that you're about to build. Bring it on Buba! LOL


Jul 2, 2010
los angeles
just wanting to see if there is any interest in such things

different criteria --cost limits ???engines to use????paint competitons or ???

anyway-- there does not seem to be any interest for such things

ride safe

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
All cost limits will do is produce very 'ordinary' bikes. (not quite what people expect from a 'build off'). :(

If you're ging to have a real 'build off'?, it needs to be 'all or nothing'! ;)

This was the first build off...

A member named 'Britton Bees' had some issue with me, talked a lot of trash & challenged me to a build off; then he didn't even come close to finishing his bike on time & deleted himself (& all of his build off posts) from this forum because of it. laff
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Jul 2, 2010
los angeles
thanks for posting norm

you were absolutely the one to act and present in the true spirit of a build off

seems that overall it was pretty frustrating experience

you won with acme doing a really fine job in my book congrats to all but for bbriton???


Active Member
Mar 17, 2012
North Bay
Isn't this whole forum a build-off? I think a cost limit would bring out ingenuity and put an emphasis on craftsmanship and labor, rather than throwing off-the-shelf parts on an off-the-shelf bike frame. I haven't been all that thrilled with the usual stuff so I'd rather fab up engine mounts and stuff like that and use different options that suit the characteristics I seek in a moto. None of my bikes have been all that expensive to build because I've sought out parts that have the best value per dollar, and made the rest to fit them up. It's all about using your imagination, and stepping away from the usual formulas that everyone follows when they first get into this hobby. Considering that mopeds and light motorcycles have been around ever since the invention of the engine, I don't see any use in reproducing something that's been done so many times before by established companies all the way up until the modern era when mopeds took over that segment of the market in the 70's gas crisis.
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Aug 24, 2010
Open build off no limit.. You cant honestly enforce a limit anyway, should each builder show reciepts for parts put on a build.. What if you reuse old parts whats thier value?? Open build off all the way then you cant cheat.. Good bikes aint cheap anyway!



Active Member
Mar 17, 2012
North Bay
"Good bikes aint cheap anyway!"

They can be, you just gotta be able to identify what is good and what isn't, sometimes quality can be found for surprising deals. When you pay a lot of money for stuff you are paying for somebody else's work, to achieve your desired goal. There are many different approaches to be taken, and throwing money at it can be one of them. Another approach is to look outside the box, find parts from other types of bikes and motorcycles, and make things on your own. The motorized bicycle part industry is on of convenience, but if you can get past the kit mentality there are a lot of options, really endless. I think build offs are kinda pointless because its basically creating a subforum for infighting, rather than just creating an sharing what you have made, if somebody doesn't like it, then they can get stuffed because it has nothing to do with them. Each person has their own preference of what they like, and how you would judge a wide range of styles and tastes of bikes will be colored by the bias of the person or people judging. I, myself wouldn't notice if cruiser bicycles disappeared from the earth, I broke a Schwinn as a 6 year old who liked to rip on my bicycles, and haven't looked back since.

Mike B

New Member
Mar 23, 2011
Central CA
Well, you can have a "west coast choppers" style build off for the well heeled and a "junkyard wars" build off for scroungers.

Anything goes vs must be made of 100% recycled parts.

Or anywhere in between.

Mike B

New Member
Mar 23, 2011
Central CA
Yeah. Build offs are for people in the business.

I like to watch them, but I'm never going to participate.

I just build stuff for me.


The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
I had the good fortune to be part of the Rustoration Build Off in the winter of 2009-2010.

There were three of us who happened to be doing vintage builds at the same time and the "build off" just kind of happened, but more as a sharing among friends than any kind of competition. Bairdco and BarelyAWake were the young fellows who knew a lot more than old Silverbear. They were both very kind and acted as mentors. We acted as cheerleaders for each other although each of us was focused on our own build, trying to build the best bikes we knew how at the time.

It was a remarkable experience as there was never anger or put downs... nothing negative. We each built very different bikes going our own ways and in my opinion we all "won" in the sense that we built cool bikes, and made enduring friendships. There was never an attempt made to select a "winner" and no voting from forum members. Maybe in that sense it wasn't really a build off. Whatever it was; it was good and a reflection of what this forum is all about... sharing information and experiences and freely expressing appreciation for each other's efforts.

I'm glad I was part of the "rustoration" and don't think I would much want to part of one that was a real competition.