


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
palmdale calif
Thanks Steve ! and thank God we are working through it.
I had so many pots on the stove so to say when I had to stop building but hopefully going to get it together .


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2014
I see things have changed up a bit since my last log in , what is with the Trophy's I received ?

Glad you're back & once more posting. Looking forward to progress on the Warrior build.

For a breakdown on trophy points click on "Terms & rules" at bottom of this page, then click on "Trophies" ....categories for which trophy points are awarded are listed, but not fully explained. Hope this is a help. Rick C.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
palmdale calif
Every time I get ready to start back on this build something happens that puts it on the back burner.
On the 4th of this July my wife fell and broke both her legs, she broke the right leg so bad that she had to have surgery (1st pic ). she is now in a Re-Hab Facility last Sept. she had a Mastectomy for Breast Cancer and in-between those events the only time I have had for the build is a faux oil box.
Everything ( parts & components ) for this build is still in a box or it's original package .
I also have two other builds on hold. I have however been fortunate to go for a few rides with a buddy of mine on his bikes, one ride didn't turn out in my favor LOL! but it wouldn't be a real ride without a little blood! he didn't tell me there weren't brakes on it yet HA! HA! HA! I did get it up to 60 mph before I laid it down , managed to save the bike though.2 pic is me.
so I will be getting my wife set up and ready to come home within the next week and Hopefully find some time for the bike.



Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
palmdale calif
Every time I get ready to start back on this build something happens that puts it on the back burner.
On the 4th of this July my wife fell and broke both her legs, she broke the right leg so bad that she had to have surgery (1st Pic) She is now in a Re--Hab Facility last Sept 2016 she under went a mastectomy for breast cancer.
I also have two other builds on hold and the only thing I have been able to accomplish on the Warrior has been the Faux Oil Box all parts and components are still in a box or package.
I have been on a couple rides with a buddy on his bikes one ride didn't work out in my favor LOL! had to lay it down because of an accident between other drivers who decided to stop right in front of me for a scratched bumper HA! HA! HA! saved the bike though not a scratch on it he didn't tell me there weren't any brakes on it yet ( 2nd pic is me )


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2011
Humm. 60 MPH no brakes. Good one truckd! Lucky you saved it and yourself. How on earth did she manage to brake BOTH legs in one fall? Heres hopeing she recovers quick.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
palmdale calif
It was a very comical and yet chaotic at the same time kinda of lay down I had to pull around the fender bender ended up in the grass of someone's front yard then the parkway and some brushes then to a bloody stop. It Was like I said Very Comical I was laughing before I ever hit the last bush.

Osteoporosis and age (60 yrs old) played a big part in the break, 1st step up was the right foot bottom step ankle turned and right leg came down straight causing both bones in that leg to break above the ankle, trying to correct the fall her left foot she stepped over her right leg and caught the edge of the 2nd step which also turned the leg causing a air line fracture in the left leg but bones didn't separate just a chip off the ankle where the tenant is connected and that is in a soft ace wrap and boot to immobilize until there is enough strength to bare her weight stand on it, luckily she ended up on her butt and not head or shoulder's as you know my wife is a very shapely full figured woman and had enough cushion to land on .
We were coming from the pool ( no watery or slippery surfaces) just an unfortunate fall and a good thing her daughter was there also to fall into and help break the fall some what.


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
Upper Mississippi River valley
Every time I get ready to start back on this build something happens that puts it on the back burner.
On the 4th of this July my wife fell and broke both her legs, she broke the right leg so bad that she had to have surgery (1st Pic) She is now in a Re--Hab Facility last Sept 2016 she under went a mastectomy for breast cancer.
I also have two other builds on hold and the only thing I have been able to accomplish on the Warrior has been the Faux Oil Box all parts and components are still in a box or package.
I have been on a couple rides with a buddy on his bikes one ride didn't work out in my favor LOL! had to lay it down because of an accident between other drivers who decided to stop right in front of me for a scratched bumper HA! HA! HA! saved the bike though not a scratch on it he didn't tell me there weren't any brakes on it yet ( 2nd pic is me )

My wife fell down the deck stairs a few years ago and severely broke her collar bone and gave herself a pretty good shiner. Old bones do heal slower and the jokes got old fast...

Both of you two take care!


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2010
Sorry to hear of troubles of loved ones, hope they get better real soon!

I've for just about a month had pain from my left back, down my arm where half my hand is numb. They think two problems. Under shoulder my pain in arm pit from over extending, was thought to be tendonitis. Other attributed to upper spine vertabra in neck and pinched nerve due to thinning of space between vertebra and holes in vertebra thinning narrower where nerves pass through. This due to long term arthritis of the spine. Shock and needle like pain in hand sucks. Drugs for pain help, but that's no answer. Next after X-rays is Nerve Conduction Test and MRI. No real treatment yet, but hanging upside down with inversion table helps but just arm only. Put the bike project to make a cover for parade usage on hold and riding in the woods too. Try to keep cool though and visited the creek near by when it was up near 100 F.