trike motor mount


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
works good actually better than I would have expected. The drag isn't too much worse than a bicycle. I did have to use a smaller chain ring. I don't have the lung capacity to pump a bike up hill with a big chain ring in front. The one I run came from a 20" bike. I had to put small handlebars on it to get it in and out of the shop door due to the twists and turns I have to make with it. But all in all it is very doable.

I did wimp out on that ilfan motor. I just had visions of that ugly nurse in the hospital and decided to stay with the small motor for now.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
That looks like a quality ride for the older gentleman and if we were allowed to have have gas motors here I would be stealing ideas like a thief in the night.

Your talking about Nurse Rachets sister I take it. Personality of a stepped on rattlesnake? We have them up here as well but the problem is they have control of sharp pointy things and yards of tubing so it's best to tread lightly when in their care.



Gutter Rider
May 26, 2011
Left coast
All well & good, Deacon !

... as long as it gets you motivating out beyond your immediate area, for just a few pennies in fuel, BONUS! :)

How r u doing on stability?
Is it OK in the cornering at speed?

...I'm using a 2ltr peanut tank to gravity feed the carby on my little econoline van... the fuel system needs $'s... Seems like every time I start it, I got to give it another shot of gas from the can ! It really seems strange to me, putting so much gas in a peanut tank ! and I remember, back in the day, when the little econolines were considered very lite duty, but cheap on gas... lol

It's difficult to keep buying gas after knowing how far I can get for just a few cents on the mab.



minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
The bike goes very slowly so I just amble along. I make turns very slowly indeed most of them are at the same speed as I pedal so it's really slow. I rode the bike this afternoon for the forst time in a couple of days and it is even slower now. I have no idea what that is about except that it probably needs a new plug. I am going to keep playing just as long as my poor old body will hold together that is for sure.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2010
Colonial Coast USA.
Hey Dec,
Good to see you posting again! Really been missing ya. Glad you are in it for the long haul with your bikes/trikes. Keeps the grey matter working. Dont forget the Lifan. You dont have to go 30mph with it. A small roller will keep it under 20mph, and you will have all the power to climb just about any thing the NC mountains can throw at you. I will be happy to send you an oak roller set up for the Lifan. Just let me know the max speed you want.


Active Member
Aug 19, 2009
San Diego, Kaliforgnia
If you are happy with it, that's all that matters! You will not hear any laughing from me.

I too am glad to hear that you are doing better. Keep on riding, it's good for the soul. :)


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
Oh I can remember Norman when this site didn't exist being the only person on the tother site who would take the time to help me. So when anyone pms me and asks for help, I always do what I can. I'm not doing much innovative these days but I will still drop what I am doing to help out anyone who asks.
The good thing about this place is that there are hundreds of others who are better qualified who will do the same. That is radically different from my experiences on the other forum, where I have not been since coming here.

So pat yourselves on the back you guys are the best.


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
I broke the motor on my trike. It was not the motor it was me. I didn't keep check on the drive wheel and it got loose and broke off taking the flywheel with it.

The story is that the northern tool has a 30cc ryobi four cycle reconditioned weekwhacker on sale for like 80bucks including tax and delivery to the store. So I ordered one.


Active Member
Sep 25, 2008
thats probably about the most"normal" looking bike I have seen you put together yet!Some of your crazy ideas have been pretty ,well,crazy.I like that(^)


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
that is one ugly scooter minibike or trike whatever it is... You know that motor from northern tool shipped and is sitting in the store in just a couple or three of days. I'm surprised. Starting tomorrow I will have to start Destroying it.

I really would like to be able to ride a two wheeler again. It would be nice to ride one on the trails around here then drop the motor and climb the hills home. My balance is really bad since the accident. The three wheeler was the way to go for sure it seems.


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
I have seen some similar. I think they are all cool but I realized something yesterday when I was finishing up my 4 cycle install. I really am not ever going to ride a bike enough to justify spending 2k or it.

In the trike I have now I have 150 bucks in the trike. I finally bought a recondition 4stroke weed
whacker and gutted it for the engine. I got it on last night probably another twenty five in parts for it. probably three hundred bucks and that's more than I ever spent on a diy bike before.

I'm not sure the 4 stroke was all that big an improvement. I believe i would rather mix gas than try to get oil in this beast. At least it only needs to be done once ever 300 miles or so. I expect I will have to add some during break in but not change it.

I am curious to see the power profile since it is a 30cc just like the 2 cycle I took off of the trike. It is raining of course today, so I won't be able to ride till tomorrow probably. I always say building them is more fun than riding them anyway.

One interesting thing.. even though the motor is a half shaft, I managed to save the pull start for now. No idea how that will work out long term, but for now it is much easier to check the engine than having to rope or drag start the old one.
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