The time is close...

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
Last January, there was an "announcement" that the Ashtabula county sheriff's dept. would run out of money because of a bad economy/low tax base, ect. ect.

A short time after that, the county began to run ONE CAR with two deputies 24 hours a day. They also announced that they have no money, or staffing to do ANY INVESTIGATIONS whatsoever.

Ashtraybula county is THE LARGEST COUNTY IN OHIO with 700+ square miles and God only knows how many meth labs secluded in the nether reaches of 'south county'...where we live.

A couple of days ago, Common Pleas Court Judge Mackey made a statement during an interview with a Cleveland T.V. reporter and said that the citizens of Ashtabula county should "arm themselves", and also added that he had done so already.

SWEET! I KNEW it wouldn't be long before this stuff started happening, and I for one am sitting back and enjoying the chaos.

There were also warnings that every tom dick and harry criminal would "invade" our helpless, lawless county to "do crimes" ect. ect. ect. Heck, if you brought crime, it might dilute what we already got!

Bring that on, us dumb country bumpkins are too weak and stupid to have 3.5 guns and various other defenses at our disposal at all times and of course NONE of us have the conceal/carry permit...

Gonna be an interesting summer of guns, er, I mean Love...


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
why not call on a band of them liberal anti gun people to protect you. It's what I plan to do. I'm sure they can patrol the streets with their signs and all the bad guys will leave. Might even get them to picket and boycott the meth labs.


New Member
Dec 3, 2009
Interesting stuff(as usual), Friday, I heard of a gun auction by the Police Department, It was a on-line event, I believe in Arizona, I checked it out, it was hosted by a auction company and the expected $10,000.00 proceeds would be used to fund the police department, as they had NO budget!
Just a sign of the times. Nothing really good though. I didn't see any MB's at the auction either. Just remember, friends don't let friends shoot 9mm!! I'll take a 1911 .45 any day!!


Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
I already found a half a bedroom, two toilets and a dead baby cow on the side of the road...oh yeah, and one place there was 100 lbs. of used cat litter that was dumped.

Who saves up their cat litter?

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
The LAUSD anounced that they are planning to lay off 1000s of teachers here in Los Angeles, but they have enough $$$ to put up a new bronze statue of Myrna Loy in front of Venice HS!?!? wtf?? :rolleyes:


New Member
Aug 26, 2009
Kitchener , Ontario
thats just rediculous , here i complain that there are too many police ( typical saturday or sunday , theres a seatbelt check set up down the road , or just off the highway exit stratigically placed so you can,t see them till you turn a corner ) then bammm 4 cruisers in a row , 1 cop looking at the cars to see if your wearing a belt and 3 cruisers ready to chase you if you don,t stop , and they pass out $115 fines like they were wallmarts weekly sale flyers .
then there you are , a whole county without a cop .
id,e gladly send 1/2 of ours down to you .


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
The state here made a very good decision for a change. All traffic fines go the court and to the schools. None of it goes to the city or county law enforcement. There is no incentive for them to enforce penny anti laws. Even the infamous red light cameras are gone now.

When the city thought it could keep the money they were all for them. Couldn't wait to put them on every corner with a red light. Then the judges in all their good sense, for a change, ruled that all the fines had to go to the school system as the state law required. They said, if the cameras were really to make the public safer as the city had said and not to raise revenue then let the city foot the bill for their operation. They disappeared the next week.

So much for public safety lol.


Sep 9, 2009
Australia - Melbourne
Isn't that amazing - as soon as the bastards realize that there is no revenue in it for them, the whole safety message and entrapping multitudes of citizens with hidden speed camera devices and red light cameras just disappears overnight.

All of a sudden they show none of the preoccupative vigor about saving "just one life", or maintaing a propaganda campaign that is flawed in it's physics of vehicle dynamics.
Back in the days of Nazi Germany, the Reich High Command stated: if the lie is big enough and if it gets repeated often enough, eventually the people will come to regard it as the truth.

I live in the state of Victoria in Australia, and we just about have speed cameras and red light cameras set up on every street corner and this year the state government is putting in place "50%" more combined red light/speed cameras, naturally, just to save one life.
All the money goes into state revenue, yet you never see any of this money being thrown at the road transport system.

Ironically, the combined redlight/speed cameras are creating a lot more vehicle crashes as people rear end the car in front of them when the light turns yellow and someone panics and slams on their brakes, trying to avoid a fine from a faulty (or possible deliberately miscalibrated) speed camera, yet we hear nothing about the dangers of redlight/speed cameras from the government with the potential injury or death they are causing.

It's all in the name of safety, especially when there are mega dollars in it for the state government.

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Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
thats just rediculous , here i complain that there are too many police ( typical saturday or sunday , theres a seatbelt check set up down the road , or just off the highway exit stratigically placed so you can,t see them till you turn a corner ) then bammm 4 cruisers in a row , 1 cop looking at the cars to see if your wearing a belt and 3 cruisers ready to chase you if you don,t stop , and they pass out $115 fines like they were wallmarts weekly sale flyers .
then there you are , a whole county without a cop .
id,e gladly send 1/2 of ours down to you .
I would rather have my situation than yours fo'sho'!


New Member
Sep 3, 2009
Last January, there was an "announcement" that the Ashtabula county sheriff's dept. would run out of money because of a bad economy/low tax base, ect. ect.

A short time after that, the county began to run ONE CAR with two deputies 24 hours a day. They also announced that they have no money, or staffing to do ANY INVESTIGATIONS whatsoever.

Ashtraybula county is THE LARGEST COUNTY IN OHIO with 700+ square miles and God only knows how many meth labs secluded in the nether reaches of 'south county'...where we live.

A couple of days ago, Common Pleas Court Judge Mackey made a statement during an interview with a Cleveland T.V. reporter and said that the citizens of Ashtabula county should "arm themselves", and also added that he had done so already.

SWEET! I KNEW it wouldn't be long before this stuff started happening, and I for one am sitting back and enjoying the chaos.

There were also warnings that every tom dick and harry criminal would "invade" our helpless, lawless county to "do crimes" ect. ect. ect. Heck, if you brought crime, it might dilute what we already got!

Bring that on, us dumb country bumpkins are too weak and stupid to have 3.5 guns and various other defenses at our disposal at all times and of course NONE of us have the conceal/carry permit...

Gonna be an interesting summer of guns, er, I mean Love...
Joe, a friend of mine in Virginia sent me an email with a link to an article about this. Looks like you guys are getting national attention. Also looks like this is a ploy for the politicians to get more tax money.


Sep 9, 2009
Australia - Melbourne
Be thankful that you live in America - at least you have the legal right to defend yourself with deadly force (as it should be).

In Australia, the exact opposite is true - criminals have all the rights and legal protection under the law and the ordinary citizen has absolutely no rights to defend themselves.

Two typical cases:

In one instance that made the newspapers, a criminal broke into a house and tripped over a child's toy, injuring himself.
He successfully sued the home owner for making the house an unsafe workplace for him to conduct his business.

In another well publicized case, a shop owner chased down; apprehended and held captive 2 teenagers for walking past his shop and smashing up some chairs and a few tables.
When the police arrived, they charged him with unlawful assault and false imprisonment as the kids were running away from the scene of their destruction and the offence was no longer in progress.
He had massive support from the patrons of the restaurant and the media, but the charges still stood and the nothing happened to the teenagers as they were under 16.

As i said: be thankful that you guys live in America and have the legal right to defend and protect yourself.
Law abiding citizens in Australia have no rights.



minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
sounds like you are prepared.

This is the truth so help me God. I have lived in a tough transitional neighborhood for twenty two years. I moved here when I ran the studio so that it would be easy to find me. I had one bad bad dog (to anyone who didn't belong to my family), and a house full of guns I inherited. I never, never had a break in at my house.

The burglar alarm people come to my house, but my two (new) dogs attack the door so they retreat to the yard. They still have the nerve to try to sell me a system when I go around the house to see who it is at the door. Idiots lol...