Pulled Over!


Jemma Hawtrey

New Member
Dec 29, 2007
Essex, UK
After 2 years I finally ran into some bored policemen :s

apparently they were amazed at the speed I got up to on a roundabout - even though I have always followed the rules of the road etc.

I got a rant about wearing a helmet (I dont, dont know if people have noticed but its my brain, not the govt's) and how if I hit someone I would be in trouble.. and the obligatory threat about 'we could confiscate' etc.

The senior of the two of them did a check on my ID - found nothing at all (some people who know me will know why they didnt find anything lol). Though if he called me mate once more I was liable to get upset rotfl

I mean, really, its a pushbike with a strimmer engine - what in gods name is the point of insuring it - even if you could get a company who would do you insurance... and that would be hard enough these days


now, the question is, do I just ignore it and keep on using the bike (which is my only means of transport) or am I a good girl and allow my self to be put under the thumb of the govt (for my own safety...)?

Jemma xx


New Member
May 15, 2008
Dayton, Ohio
So did they give you a citation or just a verbal warning? It seems to me that police that just give you verbal warnings are bored, curious as to what you are doing, and want to give you the impression that they have the entire law contained inside their head for reference, when in fact they don't. Then when they investigate further to find that you actually haven't done anything illegal they reprimand you as if you are still the bad person and send you on your way with a hand slap.

If they didn't tell you that you could not ride the thing legally then I see no reason that you shouldn't as long as you don't get carried away and ride it foolishly - that would guarantee to draw attention to these bikes.


Active Member
Jan 27, 2008
Ptown, Texas
Did they give you a citation or tell you not to ride it anymore? Unless they forbade me to ride it I would probably go ahead and ride. In fact I had a city cop tell me if I kept riding mine I would probably get in trouble. A state trooper told me I could ride it. I just ride anyway and if I see a city cop I kill the engine and pedal................:D

Jemma Hawtrey

New Member
Dec 29, 2007
Essex, UK
They didnt tell me it was illegal just that they didnt think it was - unfortunately for them it is because of the relevant changes I have made (some specifications are impossible due to the coaster brake set up).

I have realised why they got stroppy though and its sorta my fault in that I forgot a 20 yard stretch of road in town is one way and I went the wrong way - distracted I guess.

There was an unusual police car sitting there - a Ford S-Max and it was the same type of car that stopped me - so I guess it was just a scare her (and possibly a shes cute as well - love to see the look on their faces on *that* score...)

Im gonna keep riding it mainly because I dont have a choice at the moment - its either ride it or I cant get medications and treatment I need to say nothing of being able to do normal everyday things like shopping etc.

I just have to be more careful and less distracted I guess and avoid stroppy s-max police drivers...

Jemma xx


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
Get yourself a cheap bike helmet in a second hand store and ride the bike. The cops will always stop a pretty girl when bored to death. That and donuts are a given.

I ran a radar trap once and we set it ten miles over the speed limit when someone popped the buzzer we wrote the ticket, then reset the gun 20 over since we really didn't want to go to court on a speeding ticket anyway.

Same thing stopping someone out of boredom happens, ticketing them is inconvenient for the officer. I gave out a lot of warnings and wrote I think a half dozen tickets a year. Those people got the ticket instead of a warning for FAILING THE ATTITUDE TEST.,

That's just me though

Ride the bike have fun.


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
1. Insurance companies give politicians lots and lots of campaign money....
2. bikers with no helmets cost the insurance companies more money than bikers with helmets..
3. Helmet laws..

1.see one above.
2. Divers not wearing seat belts cost insurance companies more money than driver who wear them.
3. Seat belt laws.

I could go on for hours.


Mar 8, 2008
I personally object to helmet and seatbelt laws as infringing on my personal freedoms. However, I also believe it is not my reponsibility as a taxpayer to pay for someone elses healthcare bills becuase they were uninsured or underinsured and didn't wear a helmet in an accident.

That's the main reason why these laws have been passed. They save the government (taxpayer) millions in ER bills and they save those of us who do wear helmets money with lower auto and medical insurance rates.
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minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
I guess they don't need to anymore they already have both laws passed. Seriously though I thought it was more since obama and clinton are always screaming about the insurance companies being such a big lobby.

Also both those laws were tied to federal highway funds., We ain't tellin you what laws to pass but pass those or we cut off your highway funds. I do remember that threat.


Custom MB Buiilder
May 7, 2008
Houston, Texas
Ahhhhhhmmmm. Ya owe me a roll of cheap paper towels as I just sprayed
the carpet, the dog, the laptop, the printer the cell phone with icy cold Budwiser. The way I see it, The kind officers were just protecting the valium
powered old ladys and others from the likes of us. Be Kind to these poor soles
that want to protect us from ourselves. Do something kind, bake them some


Custom MB Buiilder
May 7, 2008
Houston, Texas
Ahhhhhhmmmm. Ya owe me a roll of cheap paper towels as I just sprayed
the carpet, the dog, the laptop, the printer the cell phone with icy cold Budwiser. The way I see it, The kind officers were just protecting the valium
powered old ladys and others from the likes of us. Be Kind to these poor soles
that want to protect us from ourselves. Do something kind, bake them some
brownies. (the exlax is on aisle 3)rotfl After all they are much smarter than we'll ever berotflrotflrotfl

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
I'm of the belief that if we keep letting "them" tell us that we have to wear helmets and seatbelts because it's safer...
There will come a day when we are all forced to wear full padded body suits and flashing lights on our "walking helmets" just to leave the house!!!!
& things like motorcycles & bicycles will be outlawed because they are veiwed by the general public as "unsafe"! :-||
(I'm very serious!) :-||
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New Member
May 27, 2008
I have ridden my bike for 4 years on and off in all kinds of places. When I lived in Fort Lauderdale the Police never bothered to even look at me whizzing by. When I moved to Melbourne, I regularly cut through the Police Department going to the Post Office or to get a newspaper. They don't say a peep either, even when I ride right by them.

My friend sold a new bike and motor to some guy in Palm Beach and he got stopped and ticketed the first day, I don't know the charge and that would make a big difference. He could have been doing anything, riding through a crowded park, on the boardwalk,..etc,...who knows.

So I knew that under Florida Law, the definintions of a Motor Vehicle exclude a Moped. Moped has it's own definition. It says it must fit the following: not more that 3 wheels, less than 2 brake horse power, have a seat for the rider, no clutching once the engine is engaged, no gear changing, can be pedaled, less than 50cc if an internal combustion engine is used, can't exceed 30MPH on flat ground, and that's it. So, that fits the criteria for my bike to a Tee. I believe these bikes can be registered (at least in Florida) because they fit the statute exactly.


New Member
Jun 22, 2008
as far as insurance...get a operators policy if offered in your area and everything you drive is insured...


HS Math Teacher
Jun 17, 2008
i'd only be worried about the helmet laws and licencing law...here in arkansas there is no helmet law, but i where one anyway.

i don't need the bike licenced, but i have a motorcycle licence from years ago...

I say keep riding, most cops are morons who pretend to know all the laws


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Kalamazoo, MI
i wear a helmet not only because i hate pain lol but also it makes you look responsible and less chance of being harassed. i got pulled over once and the officer just wanted to look at my bike. his parting comment was "good on you weiring a helmet" to ad to this i wear a bicycle hemet the type that breaths and i hardly know its thier
