Please Help!!! Ive replaced the entire electrical system and it still wont start!!


New Member
Apr 2, 2010
If anyone can help me with this id be very happy because i really miss riding my gasbike. A while back my bike stopped running for no apparent reason, and after much troubleshooting, and replacing every last electrical part on the bike, it still wont run. -_- it gets full compression, and the carb is working fine. the only thing really wrong with it is that it is greasy and filthy, which makes me think it might be a grounding problem, if anyone has any input on that, or anything else that might help, as i said before, it would be greatly appreciated:-||


The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
Re: Please Help!!! Ive replaced the entire electrical system and it still wont start!

It might help if you described what troubleshooting steps you have taken and what you have replaced. Do you have spark at the plug? How do you know the carb is working fine if the bike doesn't run?


New Member
Apr 2, 2010
Re: Please Help!!! Ive replaced the entire electrical system and it still wont start!

ive replaced the magneto, magnet, ignition coil, and the spark plug, and i know the carb is working fine because there is fuel getting into the cylender. i would check the flow of electricity, but i dont have a meter


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2010
SoCal Baby!!!
Re: Please Help!!! Ive replaced the entire electrical system and it still wont start!

ive replaced the magneto, magnet, ignition coil, and the spark plug, and i know the carb is working fine because there is fuel getting into the cylender. i would check the flow of electricity, but i dont have a meter
Did you check if you are getting spark at the plug before you replaced all that stuff?


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
Re: Please Help!!! Ive replaced the entire electrical system and it still wont start!

Maybe the magnet is on backwards?

When the piston is at TDC it looks like this.



New Member
Apr 2, 2010
Re: Please Help!!! Ive replaced the entire electrical system and it still wont start!

the magnet was actually in backwards, but despite fixing that, im still not getting any spark


New Member
Dec 8, 2012
Warren, PA
Re: Please Help!!! Ive replaced the entire electrical system and it still wont start!

wel im in chat .... if you wanna talk , will be for next 5 to ten minutes


New Member
Apr 2, 2010
Re: Please Help!!! Ive replaced the entire electrical system and it still wont start!

the motor is about a year old, and it just sputtered and stopped one day and hasnt started since


New Member
Sep 24, 2012
Moose Jaw
Re: Please Help!!! Ive replaced the entire electrical system and it still wont start!

ive replaced the magneto, magnet, ignition coil, and the spark plug, and i know the carb is working fine because there is fuel getting into the cylender. i would check the flow of electricity, but i dont have a meter
just because there's fuel getting in doesnt necessarily mean it's working properly. However you never answered anyone's questions: are you getting a spark? Unscrew the spark plug, hold the threads against the motor's head, and roll the bike back and forth. If you did, I'm sorry, I got the impression that you're assuming you have no spark because it wont start.

EDIT: talked to him in chat, found the above assumption was wrong, told him to test another magneto coil.
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New Member
May 4, 2011
San Jose, Ca.
Re: Please Help!!! Ive replaced the entire electrical system and it still wont start!

About the only thing left to replace is the plug wire and boot. Try disconnecting the kill switch. Sometimes they go bad and stick in the "off" position. And if you're using the white wire, Don't.


New Member
Dec 8, 2012
Warren, PA
Re: Please Help!!! Ive replaced the entire electrical system and it still wont start!

have you ever replaced the spark plug boot with the NKG plug boot ? also take off the muffler and try to start it .... if it fires up your muffler is clogged... soak muffler in gas over night pull out and set on fire , then blow out the carbon with air compresser


New Member
May 4, 2011
San Jose, Ca.
Re: Please Help!!! Ive replaced the entire electrical system and it still wont start!

have you ever replaced the spark plug boot with the NKG plug boot ? also take off the muffler and try to start it .... if it fires up your muffler is clogged... soak muffler in gas over night pull out and set on fire , then blow out the carbon with air compresser
Dang Deisel, Soaking something in gasoline and setting it on fire just sounds like TOO much fun. So ya clean up yer pipe and have a good time too, I'm in.
Perhaps you should have told him to drain most of the gas from the pipe first though, Ya don't want a BOMB. And I would stand WAY BACK before I set it on fire, Just in case. And OH YEAH, Don't do it inside the garage OR the house.
But I'm still thinking bad kill switch.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
Re: Please Help!!! Ive replaced the entire electrical system and it still wont start!

just because there's fuel getting in doesnt necessarily mean it's working properly. However you never answered anyone's questions: are you getting a spark? Unscrew the spark plug, hold the threads against the motor's head, and roll the bike back and forth. If you did, I'm sorry, I got the impression that you're assuming you have no spark because it wont start.

EDIT: talked to him in chat, found the above assumption was wrong, told him to test another magneto coil.
I am confused, is there spark or not?

If so the first thing I'd do if was pedaled a bunch to try to start it and it didn't would be pull the plug and the pipe and pedal it up the block and back with the clutch out to blow any flooding out of the crank case.

Then, with the pipe still off put in a new plug and try it with brand new fresh gas.


The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
Re: Please Help!!! Ive replaced the entire electrical system and it still wont start!

You're getting some good advice. As suggested, it could be as simple as crappy gas... water in it for example. When it quit running, was that gradual, acting starved but running or did it just suddenly quit firing? Sometimes that's a clue.


New Member
Apr 2, 2010
Re: Please Help!!! Ive replaced the entire electrical system and it still wont start!

well i just gutted the electrical system of a bike i know runs and put it in my other bike, and for some reason the electrical system that worked in one bike gets absolutely no spark in the one im trying to fix


New Member
Apr 2, 2010
Re: Please Help!!! Ive replaced the entire electrical system and it still wont start!

and im not getting a spark to begin with, that seems to be the only obvious problem here


The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
Re: Please Help!!! Ive replaced the entire electrical system and it still wont start!

When you check for spark, is this in broad daylight by chance? I'd suggest checking at night in the dark when it is easiest to see the spark.

Figuring our what is wrong is like detective work. You have to eliminate possible reasons. It seems to me you're looking for a magic wand or someone to pluck the answer out of the ethers. We ask specific questions to try to help you eliminate one thing or the other and you don't answer them. How can we help if you don't give us something to work with? Have you done the things people have suggested?

You wrote, "well i just gutted the electrical system of a bike i know runs and put it in my other bike, and for some reason the electrical system that worked in one bike gets absolutely no spark in the one im trying to fix" If that's the case then you have screwed up somewhere along the line.

My suggestion is to slow down, pay attention to what people are suggesting and respond to those suggestions. How else can we help you?

It was suggested to you, "the first thing I'd do if was pedaled a bunch to try to start it and it didn't would be pull the plug and the pipe and pedal it up the block and back with the clutch out to blow any flooding out of the crank case. Then, with the pipe still off put in a new plug and try it with brand new fresh gas." Did you do any of that or disengage the kill wire? You seem fixated on the idea that you have no spark, because you haven't seen it. What if you didn't see it, but you do have spark. I say that because I have made that mistake myself. Best not to 'assume' anything.

We're trying to help.


New Member
Apr 2, 2010
Re: Please Help!!! Ive replaced the entire electrical system and it still wont start!

ok, ill start by answering the most recent question by silverbear and work my way back from there

to answer your question silverbear, no i actually spark tested it in my garage with all the lights off

kcvale, no there is no spark

desieldave, no i have not tried replacing the spark plug boot, but ive tested the current one on my other bike and it worked just fine, although that was a while ago, so ill have to try that

and fatdaddy, i will try replacing the spark plug boot and wire, and the kill switch is completely disconnected, so it isnt the problem


New Member
Sep 24, 2012
Moose Jaw
Re: Please Help!!! Ive replaced the entire electrical system and it still wont start!

this is quite odd... you replaced the magnet coil? that square C-shaped thing with the fat coil that the black, white and blue wires come off of? And it still has no spark? The only thing I can really think of then is it's some kind of issue with the ground, the spark plug grounds against the motor (thats why the black wire goes under a bolt that mounts the coil). if you've swapped EVERYTHING (CDI, coil and magnet) from the other bike and the other bike still has a spark with your suspected dead electricals, it suggests to me that the issue is the ground path. only thing I can really suggest is clean off the head bolts and mounting surfaces. The jug is isolated from the case by the base gasket, but the ground still gets through the bolts, so if you used alot of loctite, it could be insulating the ground, but that wouldn't really explain why you were mid-ride when it died.

That is really an odd issue though. I wish I could help you more, but I'm out of ideas, the electrical system in these is pretty simple, consisting of 3 main components (4 if you count the spark plug itself). If you swapped everything from the working bike and have the same issue, I have no idea. Did you try the spark plug from your working bike as well? I know you tried several, but at this point I'm just grasping at straws here.


Nov 29, 2011
Re: Please Help!!! Ive replaced the entire electrical system and it still wont start!

The small unshielded wire on the magneto coil may have a cold solder connection. Make sure no wire is touching the frame. Make sure all your connections are protected.

Did you put the magneto rotor in correctly? If not, they will cause a no start condition.
It is possible that another component was defective and was replaced, but you installed the magneto rotor incorrectly. Here's a guide to check to see if your magneto rotor is installed correctly and shows you how to remove the varnish from the backside of the magneto coil and how the magneto coil is grounded: Mystery.html

Maybe it is time to pull out a DMM and check the Ohms reading on the CDI and magneto coil.

Here's a no-start guide that may help you out:

Several of the members trying to help you out build and repair HT engines, so they know what they're talking about. Just be patient and slow down. Walk away for a day or so and come back with a fresh attitude.

Good Luck,

AKA: BigBlue