Pittsburgh Stolen Schwinn Collegiate (recovered!) - Help from Pee-wee Herman



New Member
May 1, 2010
Northam, Western Australia.
In all seriousness?

Just smash him in the face with a shovel, or wait out front for ages and throw sometihng into the front wheel.

Obviously you might stuff up the bike a bit, but I don't think he could really lay charges on you.


New Member
Aug 5, 2010
DC area
Every bike I've ever owned, every one of them, was eventually stolen. I've never given up a bike while riding, although I've been threatened. I'm a NYC native, and lived in Puerto Rico, so I know a thing or two about defending myself against thugs.

I own 3 bikes now including my motorbike. If I ride any distance I carry a back pack and keep a machete in it for quick over the shoulder access like some nutty bike riding Indiana Jones. At a red light I was approached by 3 guys who split up in a deliberate attempt to attack me wolf pack style. I pulled the blade out about a foot and yelled at the leader, "WHAT?" They instantly turned around and walked away, deciding to chase easier prey. OK, I'm crazier than average, and can't recommend that for everyone. But I must say, a machete will get someone's attention.

The cops are obviously no help. You 'found' your bike once. You'll find it again. Just steal it back. I'd be inclined to steal it back, take it home, return to the bar, face the thief as he exits and take his photo with flash. In his temporary blindness, say "don't F with me again. I don't call cops. I handle turds like you myself. If you ever come back to my house, or even my block, you'll regret it". Then actually turn the photo in to the police and explain. Tough talk, I know, but sometimes we have to revert to our more primal selves in defense. And thieves are, first and foremost, lazy. That's why they are thieves. They will always take the easiest path and leave tougher targets alone.

good luck getting it back. I know that's a pisser.


Mar 18, 2010
Thanks Callahoochy, My buddy in NYC just recovered his bike that was stolen up there. He had advised me that if I saw the bike locked up, put a lock on top of it and call the cops. I thought that was clever, but I like your style as well.

This guy has been riding around like crazy. My phone was lighting up with texts yesterday from various pittsburgh forum members who spotted the guy. I don't think he had any intention of selling it. It is weird, the guy is a junkie and regular small time thief. I feel lucky so many folks had my back.

I finally got ahold of the police officer that knew this guy last night. I have an appointment with him tonight at midnight. I think he has the bike and is trying to be 100% sure I'm the true owner. He grilled me a bit. He called me at 3am to set up the meeting. There were sightings in my neighborhood going pretty late into the night.

I think things are looking up, if he does have it, the next thing is to see how messed up things got. The amount of riding he was doing, he had to gas up, and I'm guessing an oil mix never crossed his mind.

Thanks you guys for all the help and support.


New Member
Aug 26, 2009
Saint Joseph, MO
I hate reading these stolen bike threads, but I really glad that this one had a happy ending.

How is the bike? Did the worthless thief break anything?


Mar 18, 2010
Well, It's a little banged up. Like the guy never used the kickstand which kind of sucks. Also, the engine seems like it's shot. I'm pretty sure he ran it with only gas. Is there any way to tell for sure if there is any oil mixed in? He definitely filled up the tank, and it looks "clearer" so to speak. Could be my imagination but I'm not sure. Didn't get to fire it up cause the clutch is suspiciously loose. About to do that when I get home.

He also made strange modifications to the chain tensioner. Looks like he bent it outwards, and also added a weird piece of metal behind the bolt. I'm not sure why just yet, still stuck at work. Maybe it derailed on him?

I also was running it without grips on the handlebars. I was about to order some nicer ones online. I've got the HD throttle from SBP on the right, but the guy added his own grip on the left. And I recognize it as a HT kit grip, the ones with the chrome on the ends. And supposedly there is another missing motor bike in my neighborhood.

He also peeled off the Grubee Skyhawk sticker. And unfortunately he managed to bend my post. But the beautiful tank Pat made seems to be mostly unscathed. Save for a couple scratches that can be regarded as character.

So worst case I'm going to need a new tensioner of death, with grade 8 replacement bolts, A new engine, maybe a new chain. The bike is old and tough, I think it'll be alright. Maybe I'll get lucky with the engine, hope so, it was running nicely. Bout to head home and find out.


Resident Mad Scientist
Feb 6, 2010
Well, It's a little banged up. Like the guy never used the kickstand which kind of sucks. Also, the engine seems like it's shot. I'm pretty sure he ran it with only gas. Is there any way to tell for sure if there is any oil mixed in? He definitely filled up the tank, and it looks "clearer" so to speak. Could be my imagination but I'm not sure. Didn't get to fire it up cause the clutch is suspiciously loose. About to do that when I get home.

He also made strange modifications to the chain tensioner. Looks like he bent it outwards, and also added a weird piece of metal behind the bolt. I'm not sure why just yet, still stuck at work. Maybe it derailed on him?

I also was running it without grips on the handlebars. I was about to order some nicer ones online. I've got the HD throttle from SBP on the right, but the guy added his own grip on the left. And I recognize it as a HT kit grip, the ones with the chrome on the ends. And supposedly there is another missing motor bike in my neighborhood.

He also peeled off the Grubee Skyhawk sticker. And unfortunately he managed to bend my post. But the beautiful tank Pat made seems to be mostly unscathed. Save for a couple scratches that can be regarded as character.

So worst case I'm going to need a new tensioner of death, with grade 8 replacement bolts, A new engine, maybe a new chain. The bike is old and tough, I think it'll be alright. Maybe I'll get lucky with the engine, hope so, it was running nicely. Bout to head home and find out.
DUDE! You got it back! You got it back! Alright! I never got a one of my stolen bikes back, so when they took yours it was like all the old anger again.
But you got it back! That is so AWESOME! Now, 'bout the fuel. All I know how to do is find two matching, spotless glasses. Drain some fuel from the tank into one. Make some of your gas-oil mix just like you always did, and pour some in the other. Look at 'em both, study 'em, shine light through them, whatever. If nothing you can think of helps you tell the difference you might be safe, he might not have put in straight gas. If you can tell the difference right away, you have all my sympathy. But hey, an excuse to get a new engine isn't all that bad, and income tax refund season is coming soon enough if money's tight.
When you're done fixing her up, post some pics. I really am happy for you, my man.
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New Member
Aug 13, 2009
empty the old questionable gas and add yours,,,remember to empty the fuel bowl also there is a lot of un-lubed running time in the fuel bowl if there is no oil in his mix


Resident Mad Scientist
Feb 6, 2010
empty the old questionable gas and add yours,,,remember to empty the fuel bowl also there is a lot of un-lubed running time in the fuel bowl if there is no oil in his mix
Thanks Corgi. I forgot to mention all that in my previous post. You are correct, it's best to clean out the whole fuel system if he wants to try starting it. Tank, fuel line, float bowl, the whole nine yards.
If the fuel looks like it still had oil in it when he got it back, I would try starting it - BUT only after cleaning it out and putting in fresh mix top to bottom.


New Member
Jun 22, 2010
You could get an estimate of the quality of the gas/oil mix by taking a sample and weighing it. Oil is heavier than unleaded, so the heavier the sample is above pure gas the better. If you drain 32 ounces of gas/mix from the tank, then it should weigh 24.937 ounces for 32:1 mix. Whatever percentage it is lighter than 24.937 ounces, is clue to how bad the mix was.

I'm assuming gas is 6.2 lbs/gallon and oil is 7.3 lbs/gallon.

Or, mix up your fresh gas/oil the way you normally would and weigh a sample of that. Then weigh the crook's mix and compare the percentage difference.

16:1 is 1.01105% heavier than pure unleaded.
32:1 is 1.00552% heavier. That .00552% difference is about 3.8 grams in a 32 ounce sample.

If you have access to a scale and it is accurate to the 1/10 gram, it should be accurate enough.
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New Member
Nov 17, 2009
GLAD THE BIKE WAS FOUND! Much better ending to this story than whats happened to my friends.

Was he caught? or just the bike recovered?


Mar 18, 2010
Well, the guy was riding it non stop all around town. He brought it to a local bar, was hanging out there, and some people from some local message boards spotted the bike. They called the cops, the cops came and questioned the guy. The guy of course said he bought it from someone. But for whatever reason my report hadn't yet made it to this particular department. But another reported stolen motorbike had. Apparently they called in the other motorbike owner, who said this wasn't his bike. But the cops still suspected this was a stolen bike, and told my friend to tell me to get in touch with the police.

The cop new where the guy lived, and it was just a matter of him catching the guy when he was at home. Which he did after a week, and the guy surrendered the bike willingly. But there really is no way to charge the guy. The only thing they can get is receiving stolen property, but even that is extremely difficult to prove.

I do think the cop went out of his way for me. I was very lucky.

I'm still not sure how bad off the motor is now? I just haven't been able to work on it.

Thanks for the advice guys, I'm going to empty all the fuel. Switchover to Sportscarpat's tank with fresh fuel and hope for the best. If the motor's dead its dead, so might as well try firing it up with the fuel right. I don't think the piston is seized.

He really did a number on the chain tensioner though, and roughed up the chainstay. The chain had zero clearance and was rubbing on the chainstay, and he must have battled with moving the tensioner as the metal is dented. Looks like he had the rear wheel off because the lock nut in the back is now facing the wrong way.

I'll stop complaining, I'm damn lucky. Just gotta pick up the pieces and keep rocking. Maybe an SBP expansion chamber will pretty up the old girl. Also spooky tooth has these new pineapple things to replace the rear rag joint for a truer drive sprocket.


New Member
Aug 13, 2009
like the sproket mounts ,just waiting on how they work on the wheels and spokes,it looks like a great idea w no rubber pieces