My bikes aren't stolen, but this dude trashed my apartment
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Nashville Kat

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida
This guy was gonna pay some rent and the utilities on my apartment while I was gone- and I thought I was helping him out because he was living in a halfway house,

I sold him a cruiser and the built him up another bike, because he didn't have any transportation-

and the utilities went through the roof and he was way behind on them- so i had to come down and make sure he hadn't run off with my stuff- and he was still here a week later-

and he totally trashed the place- put egg in the carpets and smeared grease on the walls and ruined all my area rugs, left the stove a greasy mess, stopped up the drains and didn't do any dishes and left them in drawers and cabinets and in the broiler-

everything was wet, including the matresses and the place reeked and there wasn't a spot I could lay down after driving all night-

i'm out hundreds and now days of driving and cleanup

I'd locked two bikes together, but another I left for him to use also had two flats and worn tires like he was out skidding them just to ruin them

I think the whole thing was malicious and intentional. In only 6 weeks he trashed me-

be careful who you let in, but I think he was a right leaning lunatic just being weird like that!


New Member
Jun 1, 2009
People like that should be shot, ya try to do something nice for someone and they hose you. Then it slowly turns us all into *******s that don't wanna do anything nice for people. All because of jerks like this.


New Member
Jul 22, 2009
Seriously, you let someone from a halfway house move into your apartment while you were gone for 6 weeks and you're actually surprised that your place is trashed?! It'd be one thing if you'd said an old friend that was down on his luck but you left your apartment with "this guy"??!!

If you ever have kids please be more particular about babysitters then you are with house sitters.

Nashville Kat

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida
No no- he was nice- a cute guy- intelligent-

BUt a real SNAKE a real wolve in sheeps clothing-

the appearance is sorta dysfunctional, but the amount of the nonsense in the period of time

really intentional,

and I'm gonna say it because it's true:

part of a gay bashing that has come my direction since 2000 or thereabouts.

Divide and conquer, that's what bullies are after- Don't trust anyone, because there's strength in numbers.


New Member
Aug 26, 2009
Saint Joseph, MO
So, were you in some kind of relationship with this dude? Because if so it may have been a kind of revenge type thing, whether you deserved it or not. I don't swing that way, but from what I've heard from my friends who do, this kind of crap happens with guys as much as it does with girls. The other person feels hurt and acts out by destroying you're things.

P.S. I don't judge, gay or straight we are all just people.

Nashville Kat

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida
No It wasn't a relationship. My utilities skyrocketed and he wasn't even keeping up with that- I had to ask him to leave,

I came down a week after I thought he was gone just to check on my stuff and change the lock- he was still here- I couldn't believe the mess-

I thought maybe it was because he had to leave- I couldn't afford to belosing money on him- but when i started to clean up- there were just things that said it was all malicious from the get-go.

I'm just venting here- I've had a lot of war on me- this is not what America should be,
I've lived as a transgendered woman for 26 years now- and it's just gotten really really abusive in a whole bunch of ways these last 10 years- i'm 56 and just weary of it.


New Member
Jul 6, 2010
sorry to hear that, but people can be grimy straight or gay, thats why it takes time for me to let people in my life.


New Member
Aug 13, 2009
Come on the guy is from a half way house, will do or say anything to get out, and why was he in jail for befor parole, I've heard this story many times form members of aa, the guy could even get a restraining order and you cant go home he can sell your stuff when your gone ,and you are still responsible for the apartment and bills,there has to be a better place to meet people


New Member
May 13, 2010
It's people like this, which makes me doubt everyone. Sure there may be some panhandlers that really do need help, but there are so many that use it as a way to not work that I don't give any of them anything. I started to just not give money to anyone. I'll donate time, food, or goods, but not money.

Sorry to hear about your situation.

Nashville Kat

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida
It's deplorable when social services are cut- corporate america just wants to pressure us all-

I'm barely able to pay rent and utility alone myself- so I was hoping to save some money while I was away-

I'm here in this place paying high rent (although the least I can find a place of my own for really) afteri couldn't get a federally guaranteed loan from the private lenders at the height of the "mortgage meltdown"

I was supposed to be eliigible as a flood victim in a Presidentially declared disaster area, for a loan the government guaranteed- a lender had no risk. If it foreclosed, the lender would still get paid.

but because of rather minor credit issues, cororate america forces me here. I couldn't get a loan on a lesser amont than where I had been living. I was gone still trying to resolve the issues with the floodzone home.

It's not about paying them back the money I owe on cards- it's about making me pay high rent instead of a smaller mortgage for some other home I could still maintain

now I simly can't pay them back- it's all going to rent and utilities-
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New Member
Apr 28, 2009
I feel for you and your situation. However, having credit issues, normally, is no one's fault but your own. Either you signed with someone that didn't pay and you couldn't fund it or you signed for something and couldn't fund it. That wasn't corporate America or "right leaners." That prick deserves a beatin' for doing that to you, but it sounds like you let a stranger have unlimited access to everything you own and are responsible for. That was a little irresponsible. I hope you learned something from it and good luck comes your way.


New Member
Apr 11, 2010
That’s like the video we saw on television . I think it was on cops; some punks were riding around in an car shooting people with an paint gun and going home to laugh at the video, they got caught too , what is wrong with people ?

Nashville Kat

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida
Actually- even though I've got credit problems, and I just mentioned that in passing, I could write a whole diatribe about how class warfare has been waged on many Americans with credit. Whole business industries have been built up and there are incentives for businesspeople to put others into debt. Other business and utility know that people have or can use credit, and situations are fostered to GET THAT CREDIT DOLLAR.

Who cares who gets crashed on the rocks? They claim tax losses, and my own debt was then doubled and"sold" to another bank- And then I see on television that bank getting a "government bailout". People get sick and die and freeze and swelter, and people gripe about anyone on Social security or getting food stamps, while GM and banks now get government aid. Why? Because they practically OWN the government now. And that's not government, it's "RULE" This is supposed to be a "government by the people for the people", not "business gets to go crazy on whoever they can"

Theres a whole bunch of unfair about it- different rates to different people- practices are just now changing a little but the damage to many has bee done

much of my own spending revolved around being literally harassed out of residence after residence- this is the sixth in ten years- and now my trying to benefit by helping someone else as well seems like it is indeed just more of that

I don't feel the least bit guilty- I certainly don't feel less intelligent than swindlers who now accuse and waste my time and further jeopardize my health

I, like a whole lot of people who now can't get a mortgage they can otherwise pay- feel SCREWED by right-leaning immoral business practices and angry that financial interests have so been able to dominate politics and government and take away protections and even the voices from so many others.
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New Member
Aug 1, 2008
Actually- even though I've got credit problems, and I just mentioned that in passing, I could write a whole diatribe about how class warfare has been waged on many Americans with credit. Whole business industries have been built up and there are incentives for businesspeople to put others into debt. Other business and utility know that people have or can use credit, and situations are fostered to GET THAT CREDIT DOLLAR.

Who cares who gets crashed on the rocks? They claim tax losses, and my own debt was then doubled and"sold" to another bank- And then I see on television that bank getting a "government bailout". People get sick and die and freeze and swelter, and people gripe about anyone on Social security or getting food stamps, while GM and banks now get government aid. Why? Because they practically OWN the government now. And that's not government, it's "RULE" This is supposed to be a "government by the people for the people", not "business gets to go crazy on whoever they can"

Theres a whole bunch of unfair about it- different rates to different people- practices are just now changing a little but the damage to many has bee done

much of my own spending revolved around being literally harassed out of residence after residence- this is the sixth in ten years- and now my trying to benefit by helping someone else as well seems like it is indeed just more of that

I don't feel the least bit guilty- I certainly don't feel less intelligent than swindlers who now accuse and waste my time and further jeopardize my health

I, like a whole lot of people who now can't get a mortgage they can otherwise pay- feel SCREWED by right-leaning immoral business practices and angry that financial interests have so been able to dominate politics and government and take away protections and even the voices from so many others.
You created your financial history.

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
Seriously, you let someone from a halfway house move into your apartment while you were gone for 6 weeks and you're actually surprised that your place is trashed?! It'd be one thing if you'd said an old friend that was down on his luck but you left your apartment with "this guy"??!!

If you ever have kids please be more particular about babysitters then you are with house sitters.
I concur!!! That wasn't just poor judgement; It was stooooopid! :(

Nashville Kat

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida
This guy spread Kayro syrup around deep inside my cabinets just to breed the cockroaches and then sent me harassing emails all through the fall and winter, chained to email addresses at the local sheriff's department,.

When I got here this summer- after he was supposed to be gone a week already, he was still here and making more of a mess-

so he left, and left a whole bunch of stuff here- I bagged it and put it out on the landing- it took me days and days to clean up- and when he didn't come back for his stuff I sent him emails and told him his things were bagged and in the stairwell

he NEVER came for it. WHY? Because he was a fake from the start with no intention other than to use me first as his mechanic, but then as a joke for his whacko friends, after he had my confidence and I offered to let him stay here at half the rent and utilities. I wouldn't have had him leave if he'd at least kept up with the utilities but he SKYROCKETED them the moment he came in- he BURNED stuff all over the stove and ruined several expensive pots and pans just by BURNING them up, just to run up the electric bill!

And the rest of you can say that I created my own financiial history (you can even cleverly cal lme "guy"- but consider these facts:

After I was flooded out of my home in June 08- a Presidentially declared Disaster Area,
I was paying on one particular credit card and not taking much notice in the confusion- a few months later I noticed it had this really really high finance charge- so I looked closely and found that the interest rate, which had been at 10 percent had suddenly jumped to 30 percent at the same time the flood occurred.

People here WANT others in debt- they've built up peripheal businesses and created an INCENTIVE for some people here to put others into debt. Utilities and landlords doctors and DENTISTS especially know, or at least KNEW, that people had access to easy credit and with no government regulation, could set prices to make people extend themselves-
then they can tell them where to live, and steal their homes.

That's beyond the personal war waged against me for over a decade- I've HAD to live in 6 different locations now- being bothered out of one after another (when not flooded out!) and that's cost money-

and is an intergral part of the "Game"

like this dude who trashed my apartment- you are right about one thing : I shouldn't have trusted him

yet that too is an intergral part of what has become an overly competitive strategy - a "divide and conquer" strategy, and philosophy of a whole lot of people in a foolish land that's has turned political datribe and dogma into a contact sport

nobody really gains in this kind of thing, and I think that's starting to be shown a little more lately.
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