Mike Mechanic Business Practice???

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New Member
Aug 11, 2009
Howell, New Jersey
I have ordered an adapter and sproket since 8-31-09 from Manic. It is exactly 1 month now and have not receive it yet. On Manics web site stated to give them 2 weeks. I understand that they MM is busy. But I think one month is so long for a wait. I called on Wednesday of the 2nd week just to check and make sure they got my order, I was told by Karen that it will be shipped by the end of the week. I assumed it will be Friday. Then 3rd week no parts received. I called again the Friday of the 3rd week to follow up, this time I was threatened that they will send my money back. I told Karen that I was just confirming if she had shipped my part as per our last conversation? . I was dismayed with the response and discourage by the attitude. This is not a good business practice threatening me that they will cut the order. I was jsut merely asking for shipping information,..Customers like me is at their mercy. They have an excellent product that we really need. I have already waited a long time "who would want to get the money back" I was just reporting these letting everybody know. Since I am a beginner and probably not know Mike and Karen,..I hope they will not be offended by this. This forum is for reporting issues and sharing information. So I am speaking based on my experience and these are facts. I hope that they would still adhere to the transaction and send my adapters.
Sep 20, 2008
Clearwater, FL
Good grief!!!

I have absolutely no idea why I keep doing this!!!

Quality parts, at a reasonable price, that no one else in the MB world is willing to tackle. Custom made to order too!

Kevron...what incentive do you offer in your post that would make me want to design some new cool stuff for MB's?

Jim, (Mike???)


New Member
Aug 11, 2009
Howell, New Jersey
No offense. I was just venting out. As a seller and buyer has its business relationship. I know that you are important to us (bike builders) but we are also looking forward for the parts that we ordered to be delivered on a timely basis. As I told you before no pressure,..but it has been a month now from the time i paid. I hope you understand my frustrations. When a buyer buys that product and paid on their hard earned money we (buyers) are expecting the seller would deliver. It is as simple as that. Can you please confirm that my parts is shipped. Thanks very much and I appreciate a response.


New Member
Jul 22, 2009
Jim, maybe you should put some kind of a disclaimer on your site, kind of a condensed version of all the posts on this subject.

Something like, "Orders are filled as time permits. This is a two person operation making one custom machined adapter at a time not a full run production line in China cranking out a thousand adapters an hour."
Sep 20, 2008
Clearwater, FL
Jim, maybe you should put some kind of a disclaimer on your site, kind of a condensed version of all the posts on this subject.

Something like, "Orders are filled as time permits. This is a two person operation making one custom machined adapter at a time not a full run production line in China cranking out a thousand adapters an hour."
Yes...Yes...I am also leaning towards a, "members only" type of shop...membership has it's privledges. :D



New Member
Aug 11, 2009
Howell, New Jersey
I agree. What was happening is a mis communication between seller and buyer. If there is a disclaimer as what you suggested,..buyer's like me would know what to expect. Thanks

Mike - I just sent you a private message with my name on it. Thanks.
Sep 20, 2008
Clearwater, FL
No jackets required!...just a desire for the best parts at reasonable prices.

I really like making new stuff for these bikes...and most of the time I really like dealing with customers.

Yes Kevron I like you too...I know you just want your parts.

In your haste to ride have you made sure that your bike is totally up to par? Have you?

Have you greased and set the preload on the wheel bearings? Both front and rear? Have you trued the wheels and checked the spoke tension? Have you examined the tires carefully for any defects? Are the tires clenched to the rim uniformly? I could go on for hours...truthfully you only think that you are waiting for me to ship parts...In reality there is, and always will be, more that can be done to the bike to make it engine ready.



New Member
Aug 11, 2009
Howell, New Jersey
No jackets required!...just a desire for the best parts at reasonable prices.

I really like making new stuff for these bikes...and most of the time I really like dealing with customers.

Yes Kevron I like you too...I know you just want your parts.

In your haste to ride have you made sure that your bike is totally up to par? Have you?

Have you greased and set the preload on the wheel bearings? Both front and rear? Have you trued the wheels and checked the spoke tension? Have you examined the tires carefully for any defects? Are the tires clenched to the rim uniformly? I could go on for hours...truthfully you only think that you are waiting for me to ship parts...In reality there is, and always will be, more that can be done to the bike to make it engine ready.


Jim / Mike,

This is why you are very precious...very important DUDE in the world of MB. Thanks a lot men for your advise. With all the list of things you just mentioned...It is going to keep me busy and out of boredome. I thank you again...and I like you too! Send my regards to Karen,

Kervon / Ron

jay sawdust

New Member
Aug 11, 2009
geeze your talking about people that do this at their whim....each machine costs more than a hundred bikes....be greatful....they do this for you.....not to make money...most shops....even small ones cost $500 bucks to turn on the lights...ok im done for now....lol....love you all.....love this forum.....love guys like jim.....Aloha.....

turtle tedd

Jul 18, 2009
Creative Engineering Parts....if Jim has to hire another person to answer the phone and hang over the keyboard from you guys bothering him every five minutes..prices will probably go up...this is an engineering machine shop not a fully staffed coustmer service office....I have been there and have purchaced his parts and installed them on my bike.....have some patience..you will be happy, your bike will be happy


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
Hey Jimmike,
When are you going to make 'Three Mile Island' hub adapters for Schwinn Jaguars? I have two of them waiting. :)
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