Indian Tadpole


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2014
Good news that, Steve. I know how hard it is to function let alone function well with chronic pain. I literally can't tolerate any type of pain killers. Yet some organics really help when coupled with sensible diet, exercise & restful sleep and healthy lifestyle. Elimination of stress & worry, also helps me manage pain. Hemp oil isn't something I've tried but I will look into coupling that with the tumeric and ginger tea to take the edge off Art's uninvited visits.

Official embassy functions sometimes showcase a mixture of our two countries best class A uniforms Marine blues & Mountie red...very impressive! Rick C.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2010
I am more informed now about Mountie uniforms. Marijuana I find now being listed as one of the drugs that the health clinics make clear if you are using it, then they will stop giving you prescription medication. Sign says its a deadly mix. One place said they test for it itermittantly. I wonder is it part of the plumbing and well hope it is just the cameras are outside the restroom. I was not really sure about that one. The locations in California probably make a big difference about accepting the use of marijuana. And I only thought it was US Government vs States. Other places started allowing growing your own and just adopted allowing growing out doors. I guess prior you had to have large picture windows or spend for electric lights. Maybe even needed one way mirrors prior... haha!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2014
MT old guys get off on getting off topic especially about health...which didn't much concern me till I started loosing mine.

Hemp while quite similar to crazy Mary is so low grade as to be useless as a recreational drug. I've not tried primo for pain either...though it might help my pain. It's still illegal here in Indian territory. Growing hemp as a crop is also illegal in the U.S., though patches of wild hemp and also the stronger variety of "loco weed" can be spotted growing wild here in Oklahoma...domestic cattle, horses and wild hog all get a lot wilder when they ingest the weed, but hemp has no noticeable effect on them.

Steve the tiny bit you use couldn't possibly alter your mood, but when pain is removed the spirit is free to this day and age that is probably illegal also! Rick C.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
From what I read the best thing that you can get is CBD oil in hemp oil. They also mix it in grape, sunflower and olive oil but the hemp oil has the best medicinal properties. Hemp oil by itself doesn't work. CBD is refined hemp oil. I'm using the lowest % and it's working well.

The Marine class A's always stand out by themselves.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
My friends who told me about the success they were having with CBD oil have various health problems. He has had diabetes for over 40 years and a year ago had two rounds of pneumonia that nearly killed him. He now has COPD and has to sleep in a recliner chair or his lungs fill up. She has arthritis.
He was told by his doctor to come in every two weeks and have his blood tested so they can adjust his insulin and lung medicine because the CBD oil can/will improve both illnesses. So far they have improved both and he is taking less of both medicines.

That is probably the deadly mix they are talking about. Your getting better and the doctors don't know it without tests and you get too strong a dose of medicine that you don't need and your system can't handle it.



Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
Too true Rick. No chance of Reefer Madness with hemp. Someone said you'd wind up with lung cancer before you were able to get high. With the oil I use at 0.05% THC I'm still at the bus stop as the bus goes flying past me.



Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2014
I'ma 'gotta laugh 'cause "Reefer madness" was mandatory viewing for Jr. & Senior high students as well as military recruits in the U.S. during the '50's & '60's...didn't impress too many it seems.

Rick C.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2010
Dock tie up lines and maybe anchor lines I know were in the past before synthetics and use of steel cable, made of hemp.

Ludwig II

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2012
There's a large body of opinion that governments were guided by the timber industry to outlaw the hemp family because it was too much competition in the marketplace for paper supplies. In latter years, the pharmaceutical giants don't want them back because of the dent in profits from cheap competitor.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
I looked up the makers of "Reefer Madness". Same good folks that brought us Prohibition with the same results. One of many films they did between 1936 and 1939. A film producer bought the film and polished it up to what it became. We never had it in school were I was but I doubt it would have been given 2 thumbs up.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
Finally got the tri car clutch off to the machinist in PA. to have the #41 chain sprocket added. I ordered a sprocket Friday and it was shipped today. It''s going to Brian as well so they should both get there about the same time.

I hope to have the Hiawatha tri car seat about finished tomorrow and then I can get onto the tri car and get everything non clutch assembled in place. The tri car is almost finished and I just need to get at it and stay at until it's finished.



Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2014
Absolutely correct. When you look up what an acre of hemp can be made into there are a lot of industries who don't want it in production.

Ludwig both you & Steve are seeing what my govt. has blocked for ages. Though growing hemp in the U.S. is normally a criminal offense, during national crisis such as WW1 & two, farmers were encouraged to produce hemp to "aid the war effort" because it was the patriotic thing to do. The product uses of hemp (non-medical or recreation categories not included) are almost as numerous as those touted by the petrochemical industries for oil. I'm not a tree hugger but it's an environmentally safe & clean production process. It's all about the money and if recreational pot were legalized tomorrow, I'd make a prediction that industrial quality hemp production would still be illegal in the U.S.'s about the money and whose going to make it & that by the way are the same people who decide on our clever foreign policy! Love the country but still tolerate those who are destroying it. Rick C
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
Just a quick note to all those good folks who came to see what an Indian tri car looked like and met up with a lot of non Indian tri car chatter I'd like to apologize. This threads wanders a lot recently due to my bad health and Photobucket deciding that they could hold everyone's photos hostage if you were sharing your own photos with a third party unless they received $399 a year.

I am going to transfer them to another site this next week I hope and they will be visible again to everyone. Health is better and I'll be back to the tri car in a few days.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2014
Has to be one of those "Holy Grail" moments when a classic bike guy first lays eyes on that Indian! Though I've seen it many times in various publications, Measure twice, it still stops me dead in my activities of the moment; which further enforces my first statement. Lovely bit of history. Rick C.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
Thank's for posting the photo Measure Twice. You should post it on the Hiawatha thread as well since it complements both builds so well. I have done a lot of wicker repair over the years and always marveled at how strong wicker is. I have often thought that it would be possible to find an old wicker chair and modify it to look like this seat.
It would be easier to start fresh I'm sure and build the whole seat from new. It may be a long winter here and there are a lot of wicker suppliers in Vancouver since we are on the Pacific Rim trading zone so it might be a good time to try one. If it doesn't work we have a fire place and no one will know if I don't post until it's finished.



Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada

I'm having one of those "Get thee behind me Satan." moments. Electric tri car with a wicker seat. Is it possible? Have supplies been purchased already?

No ICE to worry about installing with the Sick Bike Parts electric motor driving the bike sprocket and a 52v battery driving it. Three front axles already made sitting in the permanent, temporary garage just waiting for a good days work to be spent on one of them to get it ready. Twenty mm front hubs with disk brakes all over the internet for reasonable money. Lots of left over parts from the tri car to be used up while we wait for the machinist to redo the clutch.

All that can be seen now is the soles of my shoes as I disappear down the rabbit hole leading to The Land of Tri Car Madness.

Also it the first rainy day in a month and I'm bored senseless already.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2014
Just call me the enabler 'cause I'll not say nay. I've found that my own spur the moment decisions have been well masticated & quite digested before coming to light of day, others might say it's only C*#@ but what a relief to finally get it out of your system! Dreaming and scheming put into action has resulted in some marvelous creations & yes disasters also, but given the opportunity for a next build & yet another reason to get out of bed....golden!

Rick C.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
Rick, on the way down I'll be yelling I was pushed of the cliff of indecision. I have virtually everything to build another bike if I do it using my own design. I have another Monark frame compliments of the other enabler Silverbear. The axle is complete with everything including the steering. I need to make a run to the metal store anyway so I'll get some more tubing.

Wheels are here and the Sick Bike Parts Currie motor is on the shelf. Fenders are plentiful. If I get the welding done in the next couple of weeks before the fall/ winter rains set in I'll be able to put it together and make the seat over the winter and if the seat doesn't work I'll make another upholstered seat for it.

Just time to think things over and check the parts stash. I've been thinking about this for a while now and it,s probably time to do it.
