This thread has become what I feared it would, a grinder. You know what I mean? The guy shows up, post some print and a few photos and leaves you saying " Oh, he's still alive" but then he disappears again.
Yep, alive, well and just finished a superior bike camp of which the high lite was lying in bed listening to Silverbear scream at Anniimoosh, Wonder Dog of the North as she took after a 500 pound+ black bear. Fortunately the bear took off like a furred rocket with business in the next county and the Wonder Dog returned with duty done. After breakfast Silverbears heartbeat returned to normal and the day went on.
Rick of Rickrides told me about his trike front hub supplier and I was going to call him and order a pair but first I was looking up Villiers parts in Britian when I came across a chap making hubs that would fit trikes, trailers ect. They weren't some candy colour or a weird shape that wasn't compatable with the build so I took the plunge. The total cost, for me in Canada, was $137 landed of the west coast.
They came yesterday and I must say that I was impressed. Made from 6082T3 aluminium (just numbers/letters to me but it sounds impressive) with a life time warrentee against manufacturing defects. His lifetime I'm sure or his businesses lifetime.
I'll post the ebay web site as soon as I figure out how to. He does say that he will make hubs to fit your need. The ones I got have the disc brake on one side and 2 discs brakes per hub are available.
Stainless steel 20mm axles are available with a nut and bearing spacers to help with the side stress at extra cost. Hubs alone are 64.99 British Pound with 15.99 British Pounds shipping and complete with axles ect they are 89.99 British pounds and 16.99 British Pounds shipping. You will have to use a currency converter to get the dollar price.
I'll post his web site tomorrow but here is some photos of what I got. This thread should be a little busier from now on as I complete the steering and front end parts over the next month or so.
I did ask him to drill the spokes out for 12 gauge and he was kind enough to do that for me.
Click on the photo and it will take you to Photobucket for more photos and I would welcome your thoughts on these.