I'm new...but I have a LOT to tell you.


Rider Randy

New Member
Jun 4, 2013
Outer Banks of North Carolina
It's possible that you already know something about me. I'm Randy....and I'm associated with the EZ Motorbike company. Mr. Guenther (I call him "Lee") and I are the best of friends, and together we own Land and Sea Realty on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I was a farm operator for the vast majority of my life, right up until I sold my equipment, rented out my land, and started selling real estate.

My association with Mr. Guenther...(I'll call him "Lee" from now on) began about 10 years ago...back when real estate was really kicking. I made some good investments, sold a lot of property, and soon became sales manager of the old company we worked for. We outgrew that company and moved into our own little world...and we do well. But, Lee has this talent. A talent that I have never seen in another person. He can build things, engineer things, solve problems, and create equipment unlike anyone else I've ever known. I"m no dummy when it comes to that sort of thing....after all, I did run a successful 2000 acre farm for many, many years! But I'm not match for Lee.

When Lee began his motorbike company, I was right in there from the start. I did his website at first, and even helped with a prototype or two in the original design stages. Some of Lee's first designs were built partially from metal parts that he and I crafted in my friend's farm shop with welders, presses, and cursing! But..they WORKED!

As you know, Lee moved forward from that meager start and now has dealers all over the USA and Canada. The business has exploded...more than I can believe. A few days ago, Lee asked me if I could provide not only website design and work, but also some "elbow grease" at the assembly site to help him get caught up with orders. I agreed....somewhat reluctantly since I'm "trying" to be "a little more retired". But...BIG BUT!!..When I arrived at the shop, Lee began to show me some things....things that he hasn't shown other people. Things that will ROCK YOUR WORLD! I was blown away.

Really, I don't know much about the hardware stuff that's out there....but I DO know something about machinery, quality, and engineering. I saw one of those little drive things that has the little chain inside it, with two sprockets. It was really worn out and pretty much destroyed. It bolted onto the side of a motor that had only a short little tapered shaft that bolted right into the clutch on the drive. There wasn't a "real" shaft...just a little stub.

Lee showed me a device that allows anyone to "extend" the length of the shaft....permanently...and without changing the crankshaft. Then...after extending the shaft, he mounted a complete Q-matic drive to the old motor. The bike used the same controls, same gas tank, same most everything...but now the very fragile little chain drive transmission was replaced by the Q-matic! Viola!!! Problem solved. The owner can now look forward to thousands of miles of fun, instead of watching his bike collect dust in the corner of the garage.

The conversion kit is immediately available...right now...and I'd be glad to talk to you about it. Hit me up with a message on here if you want to know more. If you have one of those broken transmissions and you think you're dead....you're not. This is a Godsend. This will get you up and going better than you ever were. I have some pictures that I will post as soon as I figure out how to do that....but I can send them directly to you if you want.

Oh...Lee knows I'm "spilling the beans" here...and it's okay with him. And, know this. I saw other things that were beyond amazing!! He's developed some Whizzer parts that you can't even buy anywhere else! I'll be back...and I'll tell you more about a W H O L E bunch of things. Lee is just too busy to spend the time he needs to online in discussion groups. So....I B Da Man fo Dat!

I'll be updating the website with this new stuff as soon as I can. Right now, I gotta' go pack some boxes and ship some stuff. Talk soon.

Rider Randy

Sidewinder Jerry

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
Rockwood, TN
Is there an automatic 3 speed Q-Matic in the future? This could give the 50 cc and under engines what they need in hill country but still stay legal.


Active Member
Jan 31, 2011
Lebanon, PA
I had heard aboout tapered shaft adapters from another ezm dealer who I am good friends with, not sure if they are the same ones you are referring to or not, since my buddy told me about them probably a year ago. As far as a multi-speed gearbox, the man himself (Lee) told me he'd been trying to develop a two speed, called the 2matic, a couple years ago, don't know what happened with that yet either.


The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
Welcome to the forum, Randy. Please pass along my greeting to Quenton.

As I understand it the 2 speed transmission has been built and thoroughly tested, but has not gone into production due to high production costs. It would be good if the 2matic was available, especially ifcould be an add-on to the existing transmission.


New Member
Mar 31, 2011
Puerto Rico
Welcome Rider Randy,I'm glad you're associated with Quenton, that way we do not lose that encyclopedia of knowledge that is Quenton, greeting to Quenton.